Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Not so perfect

For a lot of us, either in Christian ministry or where we are seen up front of the church, the pressure to be perfect seems to always be there. At least that is how I have felt since I started college and it has continued since my husband and I have been in ministry.

My biggest 3 questions are: What makes me believe that they think I am perfect? and What am I doing that conveys this message to them? and How could I be more real and not put a glossy finish on myself all the time?

This discussion came up a week ago with quite a few ladies and I have been mulling it over since then. I think when it comes to ministry, you want to be wise in what you choose to reveal to others about your personal life. But, I know that I need to at least be able to tell those who are closest to me what the real struggles in my life are. And, that is what I seem to struggle with the most at times, and this is the key, because I want even some of those who know me the most, to think that I have it all together.

It is such a pride issue and self-protection.
"For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, 'Abba, Father!' The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him."

Ultimately, by trying to act so perfect, I am fearing what others think of me. This is written to a predominantly female group and my prayer for us is that we don't have to act like we are perfect. Especially to those who are in ministry by themselves, or with their husbands, or with your families, share the sufferings in our lives! Our struggles or sufferings can bring so much glory to our heavenly Father if we quit trying to glorify ourselves. Also, find those people in your life who you can trust completely and you know they would never tell your story without your permission.

It is so freeing to me. I am very thankful for the women that I could discuss this with. The Lord used his Holy Spirit to convict me of so many things this past week.

I am really not so perfect.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

dig in

I have talked to quite a few people over the past year that are struggling to know or 'feel' God. And it never fails, if I ask if they are in the Word, 95 % of the time is always because they are not intentionally spending time with the Living Word.

Even at my Bible study last night, I had a great time with my girls talking about getting in His Word and memorizing His Word. It is such a challenge to me to NOT be mediocre!

GET IN THE WORD! Pursue Christ.

I was challenged to stop making excuses for doing so much of everything else, to stop making new idols everyday, and to hunker myself in His Word. Nothing else will satisfy me like He does; NOTHING else. I worry, I plan, I think and think and think but it does nothing.

Nothing else will satisfy you like Christ will. He is my Righteousness and my Rock.

"And he said to them, 'Where is your faith?'" ~Luke 8:25a~

Thursday, January 7, 2010

According to my 1st & 2nd graders....

I absolutely love my job as a teacher and here are some quotes from them, all from yesterday! I was laughing inside all day yesterday!

In history they were making ancient Greek paper dolls, and well, the dolls don't have much on underneath because you are supposed to dress them and color their skin.
One of my sweetest girl students who has older girl siblings says,
"Mrs. Belden, he's putting a brawl ( a bra) on his doll."

The boy, "What is that?" (looking highly confused. All he was trying to do was draw an extra belt and placed it too high....)

Me, "I don't know what that is..." (as I'm dying laughing inside!)

"Andrew is getting his tensils out, Mrs. Butler."
Mrs. Butler, "His pencils?"
Me, "No, she means his tonsils and he said something about having his androids taken out??? I don't know what those are."
Mrs. Butler, "Now, YOU mean adenoids!"

I'm sure you didn't know that even amongst my 2nd graders, politics is high on their list to discuss. These are my 2nd graders talking, mind you they are 8:

"I voted for Obama."
"Well, I voted for John McCain."
"Yeah, me too. Yeah me too."
"Well that means that we are getting money from you now! My dad said so."
"You don't get all the money. We have to split it 50/50."

(Meanwhile, I am not proceeding with my lesson just so I can hear this intelligent debate between my 8 year olds.)

Love. my. job.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Joy of Hospitality

This book is teaching me something new or something that I would like to put into practice each time I open it. I'm only in Chapter 3, but it is a book that is geared towards women who want to use their home to honor Christ.

Chapter 3 has stuck out the most to me due to its emphasis on showing hospitality to your own immediate family first before you should extend hospitality to others. Our first responsibility should be to our husbands and children, otherwise we will be big hypocrites.

Here are some ideas that the book gives that you can put this into practice:
- plan special events for your family: game night, Mexican night, popcorn and movie night, dessert day!, go-out-to-eat for fun. These special nights/ events will give your family something to look forward to and will create a fun evening for everyone.
- For birthdays, establish a few things throughout the day that will really make the birthday person feel loved and appreciated. They mentioned that each birthday something unexpected (that is good) should happen.
- leaving notes around the house for your family showing them encouragement, support, and love.
- If you are married, partner with your husband in the making of these special events. If you are single, partner with a good friend/ sibling to create these special events for other people.

How am I going to apply this to my family of Drew and I?????

This week I am making Drew's favorite dessert: funfetti cupcakes from a box. It's what the man requested, it's easy and quick, what a great husband! We are having his favorite meal first- green apple pork chops, lemon-butter noodles, and fresh green beans. And then on to the cupcakes!!!
Next week, I'm making tacos and we're having a Mexican night. I bought fun Fiesta plates and some streamers. Maybe we'll even play a game.

I think these are small steps to starting to show hospitality even when it is just Drew and I. Being intentional with the people that you love the most really allows them to see Christ's character more clearly and it encourages them.
Romans 12:13 ~ Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Our heavenly Father has adopted me into His family and has welcomed me and given me an eternal inheritance that will never perish or fade away. How can I refuse to show love to someone or refuse to welcome someone after all that he has done for me?