Since it is getting closer to Christmas, I wanted to read the Christmas passages. These passages are so rich in meaning and the fulfillment of the Christ coming as a man, but still very God. As I read, I really want to think upon one of these verses a day because who Christ is and what He did for me is incredible. The birth of Christ shows me 5 things:
1. God really does care about me and about me having a relationship with Him.
2. God hates sin so much that He sent His only Son.
3. God is true to His promises because He has prophesied about the coming of Jesus since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden.
4. Immanuel means "God with us." Jesus coming to Bethlehem was a very physical manifestation and then he sent His Holy Spirit to be with his believers forever. God is with us even today.
5. I want to be like Anna, who waited eagerly for the coming of the Christ. And in the meantime, I want to be like John the Baptist, who pointed people to Christ for salvation and the forgiveness of their sins.
Here are the passages in case you are interested in reading them throughout this month:
Matthew 1:18-25
Matthew 2
Luke 1
Luke 2
Merry Christmas! Jesus is truly why we celebrate Christmas.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sooooo much to be thankful for this year:
- being able to live and breathe without any hindrances
- being able to still run after a hard marathon this year.
- getting to run the marathon with my incredible husband beside me
- both Drew and I love our jobs
- we have never gone hungry one day of our lives
- we have a home to call home
- for the family who very graciously loaned us their extra home for the year.
- being redeemed by Christ and being able to call God, Abba
- my marriage to the most wonderful & godly man ever. He has shown me most clearly what human love should look like
- God's Word, that it is living and active and God still teaches me through it
- the ministry of John Piper, and the committed preaching of God's Word through Him
- both Drew and I's families
- having 2 cars to drive, ...... that work.... :)
- friendships with people from Moody still, who challenge us, encourage us, and lead us back to the cross (Robyn, Suttons, Jonny, Haskins, Rachel, Halbleib, Huffs, LT, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple) We LOVED our time with you guys!
- friendships with people here in Akron area (too many to name)
- our church
- my school debt paid off by a gracious and generous person
- my students who teach me everyday about patience, and a simple child-like faith in Christ
- remaining healthy this fall thus far
- Bible study with my ladies, Leader's and non-leaders, love them both so much!
There have got to be so many more, but these are just to name a few specific ones.
I want to always continue this attitude of thanks to God. He is good by taking things away but also giving things to me that I don't deserve. I love the idea that God has taken things away from me for my good and for His glory. He really is good and loving if He cares that much.
Something I want to challenge myself to do today is praise God for who He is using the alphabet- A to Z. (I learned this from a lady that I am very thankful for)
- being able to live and breathe without any hindrances
- being able to still run after a hard marathon this year.
- getting to run the marathon with my incredible husband beside me
- both Drew and I love our jobs
- we have never gone hungry one day of our lives
- we have a home to call home
- for the family who very graciously loaned us their extra home for the year.
- being redeemed by Christ and being able to call God, Abba
- my marriage to the most wonderful & godly man ever. He has shown me most clearly what human love should look like
- God's Word, that it is living and active and God still teaches me through it
- the ministry of John Piper, and the committed preaching of God's Word through Him
- both Drew and I's families
- having 2 cars to drive, ...... that work.... :)
- friendships with people from Moody still, who challenge us, encourage us, and lead us back to the cross (Robyn, Suttons, Jonny, Haskins, Rachel, Halbleib, Huffs, LT, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple) We LOVED our time with you guys!
- friendships with people here in Akron area (too many to name)
- our church
- my school debt paid off by a gracious and generous person
- my students who teach me everyday about patience, and a simple child-like faith in Christ
- remaining healthy this fall thus far
- Bible study with my ladies, Leader's and non-leaders, love them both so much!
There have got to be so many more, but these are just to name a few specific ones.
I want to always continue this attitude of thanks to God. He is good by taking things away but also giving things to me that I don't deserve. I love the idea that God has taken things away from me for my good and for His glory. He really is good and loving if He cares that much.
Something I want to challenge myself to do today is praise God for who He is using the alphabet- A to Z. (I learned this from a lady that I am very thankful for)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
To-Do List
My to-do list in the next few months or so:
1. call my family and close friends more regularly (I am working on getting better at this).
2. get the courage to take Drew to McDonald's (because most people know I LOATHE that place.)
3. Finish the 3 different books that I am not doing well at finishing right now.
4. Plan cheaper monthly meals so I don't go over-budget like I did this year.
5. take more pictures (even though our camera looks like it has been stepped on too much.)
6. try to make it through the whole Jillian Michaels' dvd without feeling like I might faint
7. work on stretching more so I can touch my toes without bouncing
8. hang up my coat when I come home instead of throwing it on the floor.
9. throw our pumpkins out before Christmas (last year I think we received a notice from our apt. complex practically begging us to remove our pumpkins, and that was in January, oops)
10. not freak out with the fact that our free weekends don't begin until the middle of January
What's on your to-do list?
1. call my family and close friends more regularly (I am working on getting better at this).
2. get the courage to take Drew to McDonald's (because most people know I LOATHE that place.)
3. Finish the 3 different books that I am not doing well at finishing right now.
4. Plan cheaper monthly meals so I don't go over-budget like I did this year.
5. take more pictures (even though our camera looks like it has been stepped on too much.)
6. try to make it through the whole Jillian Michaels' dvd without feeling like I might faint
7. work on stretching more so I can touch my toes without bouncing
8. hang up my coat when I come home instead of throwing it on the floor.
9. throw our pumpkins out before Christmas (last year I think we received a notice from our apt. complex practically begging us to remove our pumpkins, and that was in January, oops)
10. not freak out with the fact that our free weekends don't begin until the middle of January
What's on your to-do list?
Friday, November 12, 2010
What Does Faith Receive?
This really convicted me about the idol of 'self', namely myself. Upon becoming a believer in Jesus Christ, do I regard him in my entire life as supremely valuable? Or do I just want what the 'non-believer' wants because it is convenient and easy to do?
Here is an excerpt from "Think":
"Faith saves because it receives Jesus. But we must make clear what this actually means, because there are so many people who say they have received Christ and believed on Christ but show little or no evidence that they are spiritually alive. They are unresponsive to the spiritual beauty of Jesus. They are unmoved by the glories of Christ. They don't have the spirit of apostle Paul when he said,
'I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ" (Phil. 3:8).
One way to describe this problem is to say that when these people "receive Christ," they do not receive him as supremely valuable. They receive him simply as sin-forgiver (because they love being guilt-free), and as rescuer-from-hell (because they love being pain-free), and as healer (because they love being disease-free), and as protector (because they love being safe), and as prosperity-giver (because they love being wealthy), and as creator (because they want a personal universe), and as Lord of history (because they want order and purpose). But they don't receive him as personally and supremely valuable for who he is. .......
They don't receive him as he really is-- more glorious, more beautiful, more wonderful, more satisfying, than everything else in the universe.......
Such a "receiving" of Christ is the kind of receiving an unregenerate, "natural" person can do. This is a kind of "receiving" that requires no change in human nature. You don't have to be born again to love being guilt-free, pain-free, disease-free, safe, and wealthy. All natural men without any spiritual life love these things. But to embrace Jesus as your supreme treasure requires a new nature. No one does this naturally. You must be born again (John 3:3). You must be a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). You must be made spiritually alive (Eph. 2:1-4).
Here is an excerpt from "Think":
"Faith saves because it receives Jesus. But we must make clear what this actually means, because there are so many people who say they have received Christ and believed on Christ but show little or no evidence that they are spiritually alive. They are unresponsive to the spiritual beauty of Jesus. They are unmoved by the glories of Christ. They don't have the spirit of apostle Paul when he said,
'I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ" (Phil. 3:8).
One way to describe this problem is to say that when these people "receive Christ," they do not receive him as supremely valuable. They receive him simply as sin-forgiver (because they love being guilt-free), and as rescuer-from-hell (because they love being pain-free), and as healer (because they love being disease-free), and as protector (because they love being safe), and as prosperity-giver (because they love being wealthy), and as creator (because they want a personal universe), and as Lord of history (because they want order and purpose). But they don't receive him as personally and supremely valuable for who he is. .......
They don't receive him as he really is-- more glorious, more beautiful, more wonderful, more satisfying, than everything else in the universe.......
Such a "receiving" of Christ is the kind of receiving an unregenerate, "natural" person can do. This is a kind of "receiving" that requires no change in human nature. You don't have to be born again to love being guilt-free, pain-free, disease-free, safe, and wealthy. All natural men without any spiritual life love these things. But to embrace Jesus as your supreme treasure requires a new nature. No one does this naturally. You must be born again (John 3:3). You must be a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). You must be made spiritually alive (Eph. 2:1-4).
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thinking- too much or too little?
I have been reading "Think" by John Piper the past few weeks and am only a third of the way through but have been deeply encouraged and challenged already. He is examining the role of thinking in a believer's life, how much we should be doing, and is it necessary in our pursuit of God.
Sometimes thinking seems too hard about a particular subject so I just shut my mind off or turn it onto something else. Other times thinking comes quite easily and questions are shooting off in my mind. I believe that God created us with minds, somewhat intelligent minds, and that they shouldn't sit there in neutral all our lives. I am definitely not a genius, nor even close to being one, but there are times when I can't get enough of thinking. But how much is too little and how much is too much? I think there is a healthy balance that is needed or you can become a foolish simpleton or a overbearing, arrogant analyzer.
Here are some quotes from "Think" :
"This book is a plea to embrace serious thinking as a means of loving God and people. It is a plea to reject either-or thinking when it comes to head and heart, thinking and feeling, reason and faith, theology and doxology, mental labor and a ministry of love.
It is a plea to see thinking as a necessary, God-ordained means of knowing God." (p.15)
"Thinking is not an end in itself. Nothing but God himself is finally an end in itself. Thinking is not the goal of life. Thinking, like non-thinking, can be the ground for boasting. Thinking, without prayer, without the Holy Spirit, without obedience, without love, will puff up and destroy. (1Cor. 8:1) But thinking under the mighty hand of God, thinking soaked in prayer, thinking carried by the Holy Spirit, thinking tethered to the Bible, thinking in pursuit of more reasons to praise and proclaim the glories of God, thinking in the service of love-- such thinking is indispensible in a life of fullest praise to God." (p. 27)
"2 Timothy 2:7, where Paul says to Timothy, "Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything." The command is that he think, consider, use his mind to try to understand what he means. And the reason Paul gives for this thinking is this, "For the Lord will give you understanding." Paul does not put these in tension: thinking on the one side and receiving the gift of understanding from God on the one side. They go together. Thinking is essential on the path to understanding. But understanding is a gift of God." (p.30)
Sometimes thinking seems too hard about a particular subject so I just shut my mind off or turn it onto something else. Other times thinking comes quite easily and questions are shooting off in my mind. I believe that God created us with minds, somewhat intelligent minds, and that they shouldn't sit there in neutral all our lives. I am definitely not a genius, nor even close to being one, but there are times when I can't get enough of thinking. But how much is too little and how much is too much? I think there is a healthy balance that is needed or you can become a foolish simpleton or a overbearing, arrogant analyzer.
Here are some quotes from "Think" :
"This book is a plea to embrace serious thinking as a means of loving God and people. It is a plea to reject either-or thinking when it comes to head and heart, thinking and feeling, reason and faith, theology and doxology, mental labor and a ministry of love.
It is a plea to see thinking as a necessary, God-ordained means of knowing God." (p.15)
"Thinking is not an end in itself. Nothing but God himself is finally an end in itself. Thinking is not the goal of life. Thinking, like non-thinking, can be the ground for boasting. Thinking, without prayer, without the Holy Spirit, without obedience, without love, will puff up and destroy. (1Cor. 8:1) But thinking under the mighty hand of God, thinking soaked in prayer, thinking carried by the Holy Spirit, thinking tethered to the Bible, thinking in pursuit of more reasons to praise and proclaim the glories of God, thinking in the service of love-- such thinking is indispensible in a life of fullest praise to God." (p. 27)
"2 Timothy 2:7, where Paul says to Timothy, "Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything." The command is that he think, consider, use his mind to try to understand what he means. And the reason Paul gives for this thinking is this, "For the Lord will give you understanding." Paul does not put these in tension: thinking on the one side and receiving the gift of understanding from God on the one side. They go together. Thinking is essential on the path to understanding. But understanding is a gift of God." (p.30)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
20/20 Vision
Much of our present culture is biblically illiterate or ignorant. Blame it on technology, more self-help books, or just plain laziness. Most of our children's church is made up of a "Disney look-alike contest" and how much we can visually stimulate them within an hour's time.
The basics of the Bible were not meant to be kept away and locked up for only those who go to bible schools or seminaries. The riches of the depth of the glories of Christ were meant for every person who opens His Word seeking Him.
Anytime you are asked a question such as, "What do you think about the poor and what Christians should do?" or "What does it look like to give generously?" or "Should I participate in this activity?" ........ How do you answer those questions?
Is it life experience? Is it what someone else told you? Or is it based on biblical principles?
I think it is okay to answer based on life experience but then go back and think about why you think that way. Is it biblical? Look up verses that come to mind or do a word study. If it is not biblical, then why is it not? And maybe I will have to change my view on something that I have always grown up thinking was right but wasn't based on His Word.
I have been challenged in my thinking life recently and I want to challenge you to put on your "Bible eyes" all the time. Don't take them off like glasses, keep them on, because it is the way that God intends us to see Him and each other. When you give a friend or spouse advice or encouragement, is it biblical? Pray for discernment and patience because the answer may not be there immediately.
Read these verses and see the grand importance and significance of the Word:
2 Timothy 3: 15-17
"and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training for righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
The basics of the Bible were not meant to be kept away and locked up for only those who go to bible schools or seminaries. The riches of the depth of the glories of Christ were meant for every person who opens His Word seeking Him.
Anytime you are asked a question such as, "What do you think about the poor and what Christians should do?" or "What does it look like to give generously?" or "Should I participate in this activity?" ........ How do you answer those questions?
Is it life experience? Is it what someone else told you? Or is it based on biblical principles?
I think it is okay to answer based on life experience but then go back and think about why you think that way. Is it biblical? Look up verses that come to mind or do a word study. If it is not biblical, then why is it not? And maybe I will have to change my view on something that I have always grown up thinking was right but wasn't based on His Word.
I have been challenged in my thinking life recently and I want to challenge you to put on your "Bible eyes" all the time. Don't take them off like glasses, keep them on, because it is the way that God intends us to see Him and each other. When you give a friend or spouse advice or encouragement, is it biblical? Pray for discernment and patience because the answer may not be there immediately.
Read these verses and see the grand importance and significance of the Word:
2 Timothy 3: 15-17
"and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training for righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Monday, September 27, 2010
He Loves Me in My Weakness- 26.2 miles later

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (Paul to the Corinthians)
=The summary of the marathon Drew and I ran this past weekend.
Backtracking...... Last December, Drew blurted out that we were going to do the Akron marathon together. I was beyond excited because this had been a dream I have had since we were dating- completing a marathon together. So we signed up in February and everything looked good- 7 months out..... :)
We started really training at the end of May building our mileage up week by week. Drew had never been a runner but he was kicking booty out there each week. I felt pretty good about the whole thing. We were dedicated... getting up at 5am on Saturday mornings in the summer to do our long runs before it became unbearably hot. We carried extra water, packed frozen washcloths, and always a note card of directions so we would know where to go around different towns.
Then September hit. I couldn't believe that there was only 3 weeks left before the big race. I was nervous but excited. Drew was never quite as nervous as me and acted like it was really no big deal. Then this past Friday night came and we went to the Expo to get our gear for the next day. We got our bibs, goodie bags, and sweet Brooks jackets and headed home for our pasta dinner.
Saturday morning- nerves, excitement, chilly fall air, dark until 7am, parking the car just a few blocks from the Starting Line, and walking to our place in the race. We take off and are running towards mile 1 and realize we are going way faster than we should be but still proud of ourselves.
Then we get to about Mile 5 and something in my knee is aching... and it feels like my past ACL surgery is started to re-visit me. I figure it will wear off eventually.... but mile 8 rolls around and it is still there but aching even more loudly. But the people and cheering distracts me until about mile 11 when we start on a 4 mile stint on the Ohio Towpath.... and then there was no crowds and I could feel my knee even more and the pain was seizing my hamstring.
We pull off the path and stretch it out and it lasts for a bit of time but I am already a little discouraged. So much so, that I knew that at mile 15 Drew's family would be there and I thought about calling it quits and letting Drew push forward, but he said we were going to finish this race. Hardest miles ever...... 15-22. 8 miles of walking/running, crying, being frustrated and emotionally/mentally gone. We finished in 5 hours and 3 minutes holding hands across the finish line.
I am crying just thinking about my husband by my side the entire time. He wouldn't ever leave me and I gave him permission to run ahead at least 5 times, but he refused. He insisted that we finish together. He pushed me to finish strong, at one point demanding that I better keep running. and I needed him to do that. He would put his arm around me and constantly ask how I was doing. I cried a couple times in the middle of the race because I was frustrated with the time we would get, sad that my knee was throbbing, and disappointed in myself and the fact that Drew would have to get a bad time because of me. Then I cried a good 3 times towards the end of the race realizing how incredible my husband is for sticking next to me the entire time.
I didn't get my 'dream time' and I didn't finish as nicely as I would have liked but God in His extreme mercy showed me a new love and strength to me by giving me such a determined husband and for even allowing me to finish. He really does love me, He allowed me to know Him even better despite this injury. He allowed me to be weak so that I would know His strength and I take comfort in that. He is good and He knows me better because He is my Creator. He also strengthened Drew and I's marriage in such a unique way. I am more in love with my husband as a result.
God is my strength and my rock. He is faithful to His promises. He is love.
He loves me. This I am more sure of than I ever have been before.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Do you pretend- listen? I have before and it's not good, right? Someone is sharing their heart and here is the list of options I usually try and throw out:
1. nodding my head profusely
2. saying "uh-huh, uh-huh, I totally agree"
3. thinking while they talk about the next 'inspiring' tid-bit to share.
4. reminding them of an experience i went through and assuming that we can both relate to either.
5. I start diagnosing the problem, adding fuel to the fire
Recently, I was reminded by my husband about the importance of just listening and actually hearing that person. Then I remember Jill Briscoe speaking at a chapel in college and she talked about 'a ministry of presence.'
In the past week, I have been on the side of 'being listened to,' twice. It really feels like the persons cared about what I was saying, listened to me all the way through, there was silence, more silence, and more and then they affirmed me in who I am in Christ. There was hardly a mention of my problem or my rantings but they brought it back to my identity in Christ, which was incredible 'advice' to me.
They didn't assume anything about me, they listened.
They didn't make a laundry list for me on how to make this problem go away.
They didn't assume that we have been in the same place and try to fit me in that box.
James 1:19-20 " Know this, beloved brothers; let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God requires."
And you know how I know God is listening? He brings an overwhelming peace, a sense of His love, and allows me to rest in Him with anything I bring to Him. He does not bring guilt or a spirit of condemnation to those who are His, He does not bring anxiety or unrest.
James 3:17 "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."
I want to listen like that.
1. nodding my head profusely
2. saying "uh-huh, uh-huh, I totally agree"
3. thinking while they talk about the next 'inspiring' tid-bit to share.
4. reminding them of an experience i went through and assuming that we can both relate to either.
5. I start diagnosing the problem, adding fuel to the fire
Recently, I was reminded by my husband about the importance of just listening and actually hearing that person. Then I remember Jill Briscoe speaking at a chapel in college and she talked about 'a ministry of presence.'
In the past week, I have been on the side of 'being listened to,' twice. It really feels like the persons cared about what I was saying, listened to me all the way through, there was silence, more silence, and more and then they affirmed me in who I am in Christ. There was hardly a mention of my problem or my rantings but they brought it back to my identity in Christ, which was incredible 'advice' to me.
They didn't assume anything about me, they listened.
They didn't make a laundry list for me on how to make this problem go away.
They didn't assume that we have been in the same place and try to fit me in that box.
James 1:19-20 " Know this, beloved brothers; let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God requires."
And you know how I know God is listening? He brings an overwhelming peace, a sense of His love, and allows me to rest in Him with anything I bring to Him. He does not bring guilt or a spirit of condemnation to those who are His, He does not bring anxiety or unrest.
James 3:17 "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."
I want to listen like that.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Our Home
Drew and I are moved out of our beloved apartment in Stow, Ohio and jumped to the next town to live for a year. We are trusting the Lord with this year and if He wills we will hopefully buy a home.
It is crazy how much time looking at homes online can consume my time. And then, add watching HouseHunters in the mix of time, and then not have I only wasted time but now I can begin to covet bigger homes with newer and more shiny things.
Honestly, I want this year to be one that we can be generous: with our time, money, and resources. So much thought about buying a home can make me want to 'hunker-down' on the finances, miss out on spending time with people, and just make me greedy in many areas of my life.
And I'm thinking...... that's NOT what I am supposed to be because so many passages in Scripture talk about giving, being generous, giving willingly, and living like Christ. Who, if I remember right, Christ never bought a home and I am positive he never worried about the fact that he really didn't have a home on this earth.
And then, I remember that my real home is with Him. I know people will say, "Well, it's not wrong to want things on this earth." Honestly, my problem is ---- I KNOW THAT ALL TOO WELL. and I want my earthly home more than I want my heavenly home. I want the earthly toys more than I want to grow in my likeness to my Father.
Gosh, sometimes it is SO hard to remember this. This is a season in my life where this just falls naturally in place with the "recipe of life"- go to college, graduate, get married, work, buy a home, have children, and on and on..... People around me are having babies, buying homes, and getting bigger toys than me.
I confess to my Father for my greed, discontentment, and selfishness and ask His forgiveness. I want to rejoice every day and not have to think once about the fact that I don't have this or that. I want to bask in the gift of redemption that He has given to me. I want to have an attitude of thankfulness and continuously remember his faithfulness.
Just this week, we got a flat tire and ended up replacing 2 tires. Gulp. Tires are expensive, who knew? Instead of thanking God for keeping us safe, the fact that we even get to have a car, for the money to pay for the tires, instead I became upset and pouted about spending that money when we could have had that for something else. I really was a brat.
My husband, has a line in one of his songs, "This world is not my home.... I'm just passing through.... My eyes are on the city paved of gold...." These things will all burn but have I lived a life honoring to God in faithful obedience? I strive to rest more in Him and less in myself.
It is crazy how much time looking at homes online can consume my time. And then, add watching HouseHunters in the mix of time, and then not have I only wasted time but now I can begin to covet bigger homes with newer and more shiny things.
Honestly, I want this year to be one that we can be generous: with our time, money, and resources. So much thought about buying a home can make me want to 'hunker-down' on the finances, miss out on spending time with people, and just make me greedy in many areas of my life.
And I'm thinking...... that's NOT what I am supposed to be because so many passages in Scripture talk about giving, being generous, giving willingly, and living like Christ. Who, if I remember right, Christ never bought a home and I am positive he never worried about the fact that he really didn't have a home on this earth.
And then, I remember that my real home is with Him. I know people will say, "Well, it's not wrong to want things on this earth." Honestly, my problem is ---- I KNOW THAT ALL TOO WELL. and I want my earthly home more than I want my heavenly home. I want the earthly toys more than I want to grow in my likeness to my Father.
Gosh, sometimes it is SO hard to remember this. This is a season in my life where this just falls naturally in place with the "recipe of life"- go to college, graduate, get married, work, buy a home, have children, and on and on..... People around me are having babies, buying homes, and getting bigger toys than me.
I confess to my Father for my greed, discontentment, and selfishness and ask His forgiveness. I want to rejoice every day and not have to think once about the fact that I don't have this or that. I want to bask in the gift of redemption that He has given to me. I want to have an attitude of thankfulness and continuously remember his faithfulness.
Just this week, we got a flat tire and ended up replacing 2 tires. Gulp. Tires are expensive, who knew? Instead of thanking God for keeping us safe, the fact that we even get to have a car, for the money to pay for the tires, instead I became upset and pouted about spending that money when we could have had that for something else. I really was a brat.
My husband, has a line in one of his songs, "This world is not my home.... I'm just passing through.... My eyes are on the city paved of gold...." These things will all burn but have I lived a life honoring to God in faithful obedience? I strive to rest more in Him and less in myself.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Last Year
I always evaluate my year from September to September and I think it has something to do with it being school-time again, my birthday and anniversary are then, and fall gets crazy.
This time last year, I was a little nervous about the next year but knew that God would provide in many ways and He did.
1. Last September, Drew and I celebrated 2 years of marriage. I love love love my drewbie and I couldn't have gotten a better husband if I had tried! The Lord knew all our little idiosyncrasies and He made us to compliment each other. My favorite time is usually when we are able to study the Word in the mornings separately, but then at the end we just talk and talk about what we just read. I just found a prayer journal from the year we started dating (2005) and it was so sweet to have that to look back at and remember the sweet joys of dating.
2. Drew was an intern last year and we were sufficiently surviving on our incomes. It's really all about contentment in the end anyways whether you have $1 million or $100. God is continuing to teach me about that every month.
3. I got sick, alot..... and it wasn't fun. God is teaching me patience and dependence on Him as the new allergy season approaches this fall.
4. I really love my 2 jobs. I am so thankful to God that I get to work at a place that encourages me spiritually but I also get to love on and encourage my kiddos.
5. Drew, beginning in January, became full-time at our church! And then, what do you know, our car broke down completely. Again, our money is not ours, it is His. We can make plans to spend or save it this or that way but in the end we are just not really in control.
6. We babysat 3 times last year, each family had 3 kids. I learned a different dependence on my Savior in those times of trying to get people places and realizing trying to get 3 extra bodies out the door is more of a challenge than originally thought. A huge praise to God for allowing me to work through many of my insecurities in this area, so much so, that just last week when we babysat, I was so at peace.
7. Change is good. We are moving this week to another temporary place for a year. Again, God provided in a huge way to allow us a really cute place to stay for this year. Then we will evaluate and see if a house is the best next option for us this time next year.
8. This next one makes me tear up every time I think about it: my school debt was paid for by an incredible person(s). I will never forget that day when Drew called me and said, "You're never going to believe what I have to tell you." I cried and cried and cried. I STILL can't believe that the balance is ZERO. I go online every now and then to stare at the ZERO. Thank you, God, for that person's generous heart and their love for you to do this for us. What a huge and extremely tangible answer to my prayers for the past 5 years.
9. Training for this marathon is a great reminder to me of my walk with Christ. There are some weeks where we do less mileage and I think, "Oh, I don't really need to stretch for this run, I'll be fine. I don't need to do this because I did more last week." But those runs tend to be harder than the really long ones because I haven't surrendered myself to the Lord and the strength He is able to supply. Drew and I are running 18 tomorrow morning and already I'm a little weak in the knees just thinking about it, but I know God will supply the right amount of strength needed. I will still be exhausted at some points and may even need to walk but that is ok and I know His strength is still there with me.
10. I need His Word. I want the gospel to saturate my entire life, my speech, and my thoughts. This year, I feel like His Word has become more refreshing to me, my desire to study His Word is stronger, and I want to live it out. My God is good, He wants me to depend on Him instead of trying to be in control, and He is my Rock. I really can't do anything without Him and that seems to be a common thread that I have seen throughout last year.
This year, I have no idea what the Lord holds for me but I know He will be faithful to make me more like Him.
This time last year, I was a little nervous about the next year but knew that God would provide in many ways and He did.
1. Last September, Drew and I celebrated 2 years of marriage. I love love love my drewbie and I couldn't have gotten a better husband if I had tried! The Lord knew all our little idiosyncrasies and He made us to compliment each other. My favorite time is usually when we are able to study the Word in the mornings separately, but then at the end we just talk and talk about what we just read. I just found a prayer journal from the year we started dating (2005) and it was so sweet to have that to look back at and remember the sweet joys of dating.
2. Drew was an intern last year and we were sufficiently surviving on our incomes. It's really all about contentment in the end anyways whether you have $1 million or $100. God is continuing to teach me about that every month.
3. I got sick, alot..... and it wasn't fun. God is teaching me patience and dependence on Him as the new allergy season approaches this fall.
4. I really love my 2 jobs. I am so thankful to God that I get to work at a place that encourages me spiritually but I also get to love on and encourage my kiddos.
5. Drew, beginning in January, became full-time at our church! And then, what do you know, our car broke down completely. Again, our money is not ours, it is His. We can make plans to spend or save it this or that way but in the end we are just not really in control.
6. We babysat 3 times last year, each family had 3 kids. I learned a different dependence on my Savior in those times of trying to get people places and realizing trying to get 3 extra bodies out the door is more of a challenge than originally thought. A huge praise to God for allowing me to work through many of my insecurities in this area, so much so, that just last week when we babysat, I was so at peace.
7. Change is good. We are moving this week to another temporary place for a year. Again, God provided in a huge way to allow us a really cute place to stay for this year. Then we will evaluate and see if a house is the best next option for us this time next year.
8. This next one makes me tear up every time I think about it: my school debt was paid for by an incredible person(s). I will never forget that day when Drew called me and said, "You're never going to believe what I have to tell you." I cried and cried and cried. I STILL can't believe that the balance is ZERO. I go online every now and then to stare at the ZERO. Thank you, God, for that person's generous heart and their love for you to do this for us. What a huge and extremely tangible answer to my prayers for the past 5 years.
9. Training for this marathon is a great reminder to me of my walk with Christ. There are some weeks where we do less mileage and I think, "Oh, I don't really need to stretch for this run, I'll be fine. I don't need to do this because I did more last week." But those runs tend to be harder than the really long ones because I haven't surrendered myself to the Lord and the strength He is able to supply. Drew and I are running 18 tomorrow morning and already I'm a little weak in the knees just thinking about it, but I know God will supply the right amount of strength needed. I will still be exhausted at some points and may even need to walk but that is ok and I know His strength is still there with me.
10. I need His Word. I want the gospel to saturate my entire life, my speech, and my thoughts. This year, I feel like His Word has become more refreshing to me, my desire to study His Word is stronger, and I want to live it out. My God is good, He wants me to depend on Him instead of trying to be in control, and He is my Rock. I really can't do anything without Him and that seems to be a common thread that I have seen throughout last year.
This year, I have no idea what the Lord holds for me but I know He will be faithful to make me more like Him.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Wise Words
Here are a few quotes from Christianity for Modern Pagans- Pascal's Pensees edited, outlined, and explained by Peter Kreeft:
(some quotes you will need to read 3 or 4 times to understand it but trust me, you want to understand what they are saying, SO important...)
>In the past , the difficulty in accepting Christianity was its second point, salvation. Everyone in premodern societies knew sin was real, but many doubted salvation. Today it is the exact opposite: everybody is saved, but there is no sin to be saved from.
>Pride can never defeat pride; only humility can defeat pride.
>We are incapable of not desiring truth and happiness and incapable of either certainty or happiness.
>It is instructive to compare Job and Ecclesiastes. For this is the comparison between ancient and modern man. Ecclesiastes, like modern man, has everything, yet has nothing because it is only "vanity." Job, like ancient man, has nothing but has everything because he has God.
>The explanation is obvious: if you don't know the true God, you must sooner or later find some false god to worship. To be human is to worship. The alternative to theism is not atheism but idolatry.
>Man must not be allowed to believe that he is equal either to animals or angels, nor to be unaware of either, but he must know both......modern philosophy has lost its sane anthropology because it has lost its cosmology. Man does not know himself because he does not know his place in the cosmos; he confuses himself with angel or with animal.
(some quotes you will need to read 3 or 4 times to understand it but trust me, you want to understand what they are saying, SO important...)
>In the past , the difficulty in accepting Christianity was its second point, salvation. Everyone in premodern societies knew sin was real, but many doubted salvation. Today it is the exact opposite: everybody is saved, but there is no sin to be saved from.
>Pride can never defeat pride; only humility can defeat pride.
>We are incapable of not desiring truth and happiness and incapable of either certainty or happiness.
>It is instructive to compare Job and Ecclesiastes. For this is the comparison between ancient and modern man. Ecclesiastes, like modern man, has everything, yet has nothing because it is only "vanity." Job, like ancient man, has nothing but has everything because he has God.
>The explanation is obvious: if you don't know the true God, you must sooner or later find some false god to worship. To be human is to worship. The alternative to theism is not atheism but idolatry.
>Man must not be allowed to believe that he is equal either to animals or angels, nor to be unaware of either, but he must know both......modern philosophy has lost its sane anthropology because it has lost its cosmology. Man does not know himself because he does not know his place in the cosmos; he confuses himself with angel or with animal.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Funny stories
The family I tutor for has 3 kids; ages 7, 5, and 3. The littlest one is a girl and she always cracks me up. She had a hotdog on a fishing pole and caught a 100- lb dog with it! Unfortunately, the hook got a little stuck in the doggie's mouth, all is well now though!
The 5 year old wanted a wasp's nest that happened to be in their mailbox. Mom kept telling him no because he could get stung. He was determined to get it out and he did, all without getting stung. He is so proud now to tell that story.
This morning, Drew was leaving and needing to get something out of the car he was not going to be driving. I told him to throw the key up when he was done and I would catch it. Mind you, our apartment is on the 3rd floor. He threw it, i couldn't grab it, and it landed on our neighbor's porch on the 2nd floor. I thought I might be able to climb down but at the last minute wondered how I would get back down or up, no good. So Drew grabbed a camping chair and I threw him a broom. I cannot stop laughing and at this point Drew is getting a little frustrated with me, because I can hardly talk to give him directions, right, no, go left! I am laughing so hard!
Then low and behold, some of the maintenance guys walk by and I'm sure were scratching their heads at the scene before their eyes. Do they ask us for help, not a chance!
I grab a sturdier chair from upstairs, Drew grabs a golf club and tries to retrieve the key again.
Lesson learned.
Making lunches for Drew is always interesting. I'm not a snacker, so we just don't have snacks in the house. So when I make his lunch, it's left-overs, pb & j, maybe some fruit, if he's lucky chips, and if a miracle has happened, I've made some cookies. I always use Target bags, or any bag from the stores I've gone to. Well, he was in a hurry one day, and I stuffed his lunch into one of those flimsy fruit bags, the ones you put your fruit in at the grocery store. And it gets worse, it had a giant hole and I knew it but didn't say anything. Needless to say, he lost his lunch on the church stairs, his actual lunch came rolling out of the bag. He called me right after and we just laughed and laughed.
Hope this helps your day and makes you laugh, too!
The 5 year old wanted a wasp's nest that happened to be in their mailbox. Mom kept telling him no because he could get stung. He was determined to get it out and he did, all without getting stung. He is so proud now to tell that story.
This morning, Drew was leaving and needing to get something out of the car he was not going to be driving. I told him to throw the key up when he was done and I would catch it. Mind you, our apartment is on the 3rd floor. He threw it, i couldn't grab it, and it landed on our neighbor's porch on the 2nd floor. I thought I might be able to climb down but at the last minute wondered how I would get back down or up, no good. So Drew grabbed a camping chair and I threw him a broom. I cannot stop laughing and at this point Drew is getting a little frustrated with me, because I can hardly talk to give him directions, right, no, go left! I am laughing so hard!
Then low and behold, some of the maintenance guys walk by and I'm sure were scratching their heads at the scene before their eyes. Do they ask us for help, not a chance!
I grab a sturdier chair from upstairs, Drew grabs a golf club and tries to retrieve the key again.
Lesson learned.
Making lunches for Drew is always interesting. I'm not a snacker, so we just don't have snacks in the house. So when I make his lunch, it's left-overs, pb & j, maybe some fruit, if he's lucky chips, and if a miracle has happened, I've made some cookies. I always use Target bags, or any bag from the stores I've gone to. Well, he was in a hurry one day, and I stuffed his lunch into one of those flimsy fruit bags, the ones you put your fruit in at the grocery store. And it gets worse, it had a giant hole and I knew it but didn't say anything. Needless to say, he lost his lunch on the church stairs, his actual lunch came rolling out of the bag. He called me right after and we just laughed and laughed.
Hope this helps your day and makes you laugh, too!
Monday, July 26, 2010
True Rest is Soul Rest
I love being a teacher for a million reasons, one of them just happens to include:
This summer has been the most different summer I have ever had. It is physically and spiritually restful. Matthew 11:28-29 comes to mind:
This summer has been the most different summer I have ever had. It is physically and spiritually restful. Matthew 11:28-29 comes to mind:
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
This verse is specifically talking about SOUL REST no matter what season of life you are in; busy or not-so-busy. For me, during the school year there are so many things for me to focus on other than finding my peace and satisfaction in Christ. I was reminded last night by our speaker at church, am I really relying on the Holy Spirit or Ashley?
This summer has been quiet, not busy, do-whatever-i-want-everyday, and pick up things I really enjoy. As strange as this will sound, it was hard to learn how to do this. I don't like days of quietness because I can hear my restlessness inwardly. It's awkward. But you know what I have needed that God has been trying to show me before now: my sin, His grace and love, and how to genuinely rest in Him.
The Holy Spirit is convicting me of sin, He is helping me to first confess it! This is hard even to confess sin sometimes! First, I HAVE to recognize my sin to see just how much I really need my Savior Jesus Christ.
I know that school is getting closer, the usual fall busyness will come, and life will seem a little hectic at times, but what God is teaching me this summer, I want to carry with me throughout the school year. I want to rest in Him, worry is a sin, but I want my soul to rest in Him.
Here is what He has allowed me to do this summer because it is so restful:
- Read (for hours)
- write notes again
- spend longer time with people, I never have to rush off
- be with my husband on his day off and sleep in
- sufficiently train for the marathon
- be available for people
- clean out the corners of our apt.
- enjoy the sounds of the morning without rushing anywhere
- getting to know the family I tutor for even better (love that family!)
- preparing for the '10-'11 school year
- sit outside
- go on vacation
I know this is just for a season. And I will try to not forget all the time He gave me, when the fall hits. But I ALWAYS want to remember to lean on Him, to place my entire trust in Him, to be still and listen, and to be thankful for the small things in life.
This verse is specifically talking about SOUL REST no matter what season of life you are in; busy or not-so-busy. For me, during the school year there are so many things for me to focus on other than finding my peace and satisfaction in Christ. I was reminded last night by our speaker at church, am I really relying on the Holy Spirit or Ashley?
This summer has been quiet, not busy, do-whatever-i-want-everyday, and pick up things I really enjoy. As strange as this will sound, it was hard to learn how to do this. I don't like days of quietness because I can hear my restlessness inwardly. It's awkward. But you know what I have needed that God has been trying to show me before now: my sin, His grace and love, and how to genuinely rest in Him.
The Holy Spirit is convicting me of sin, He is helping me to first confess it! This is hard even to confess sin sometimes! First, I HAVE to recognize my sin to see just how much I really need my Savior Jesus Christ.
I know that school is getting closer, the usual fall busyness will come, and life will seem a little hectic at times, but what God is teaching me this summer, I want to carry with me throughout the school year. I want to rest in Him, worry is a sin, but I want my soul to rest in Him.
Here is what He has allowed me to do this summer because it is so restful:
- Read (for hours)
- write notes again
- spend longer time with people, I never have to rush off
- be with my husband on his day off and sleep in
- sufficiently train for the marathon
- be available for people
- clean out the corners of our apt.
- enjoy the sounds of the morning without rushing anywhere
- getting to know the family I tutor for even better (love that family!)
- preparing for the '10-'11 school year
- sit outside
- go on vacation
I know this is just for a season. And I will try to not forget all the time He gave me, when the fall hits. But I ALWAYS want to remember to lean on Him, to place my entire trust in Him, to be still and listen, and to be thankful for the small things in life.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Summer Reads
* Because He Loves Me- Elyse Fitzpatrick
How the gospel transforms our everyday lives. I loved this book because she really boiled down our action vs God's actions in our process of sanctification.
* Les Miserables- Victor Hugo
Still have 400 pgs to go, this book is LONG! But worth every word in its unabridged 1400 pg. self. I have even underlined quotes in this book. Besides all the French revolution history, the plot is encouraging, showing you how the most unloved, and miserable people walk through life as their lives intertwine together.
"Oh Thou who art! Ecclesiastes names thee the Almighty; Maccabees names thee Creator; the Epistle to the Ephesians names thee Liberty; Baruch names thee Immensity; the Psalms name thee Wisdom and Truth; John names thee Light; the Book of Kings names thee Lord; Exodus calls thee Providence......"
* Humility- Andrew Murray
Just started, he is a Puritan, so this guy doesn't just say things to talk; and obviously, the title of his book.
"If Jesus is indeed to be our example in His humility, we need to understand the principles in which is was rooted. We need to find the common ground on which we stand with Him, and in which our likeness to Him is to be attained."
* Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees- Blaise Pascal & Peter Kreeft
Just started this one. At first I wasn't jumping up and down, but the way Kreeft has edited, outlined, and explained each section of what Pascal says, makes it easy for people like me! Kreeft claims Pascal is the most effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today's culture.
"Not only do we only know God through Jesus Christ, but we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ; we only know life and death through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ we cannot know the meaning of our life or our death, of God, or of ourselves."
These are great reads, I encourage you to get them, too!
How the gospel transforms our everyday lives. I loved this book because she really boiled down our action vs God's actions in our process of sanctification.
* Les Miserables- Victor Hugo
Still have 400 pgs to go, this book is LONG! But worth every word in its unabridged 1400 pg. self. I have even underlined quotes in this book. Besides all the French revolution history, the plot is encouraging, showing you how the most unloved, and miserable people walk through life as their lives intertwine together.
"Oh Thou who art! Ecclesiastes names thee the Almighty; Maccabees names thee Creator; the Epistle to the Ephesians names thee Liberty; Baruch names thee Immensity; the Psalms name thee Wisdom and Truth; John names thee Light; the Book of Kings names thee Lord; Exodus calls thee Providence......"
* Humility- Andrew Murray
Just started, he is a Puritan, so this guy doesn't just say things to talk; and obviously, the title of his book.
"If Jesus is indeed to be our example in His humility, we need to understand the principles in which is was rooted. We need to find the common ground on which we stand with Him, and in which our likeness to Him is to be attained."
* Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees- Blaise Pascal & Peter Kreeft
Just started this one. At first I wasn't jumping up and down, but the way Kreeft has edited, outlined, and explained each section of what Pascal says, makes it easy for people like me! Kreeft claims Pascal is the most effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today's culture.
"Not only do we only know God through Jesus Christ, but we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ; we only know life and death through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ we cannot know the meaning of our life or our death, of God, or of ourselves."
These are great reads, I encourage you to get them, too!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
2010 Running Lessons
Here are some tips that I have learned even this year from training for this race:
1. stretch, stretch, and more stretch! Stretch before you run, right after you run, and the day after you run. Try stretching everyday.
2. If you get shin splints or some type of muscle tear, just wait 3-4 days before running. Don't rush or it will get worse, did that and it was awful! During the wait, you can eliptical or walk and work on upper body.
3. the stronger the abs, the stronger you might run ( i still need to work harder on this one)
4. It's all a mind-game. Bring scripture, music, prayer cards, etc.
5. Smile or talk to yourself when you feel like giving up. I tell myself, "Don't be a wimp, c'mon!" (and sometimes I'll clap to get myself going, i look funny, yes.)
6. Don't run if you have a sinus-infection or any congestion in the head (it might be just me, but the last 2 times I have come down with migraines, blech)
7. Find someone to hold you accountable. Drew is that for me right now because we are both training for the same race.
8. If you are running for more than 10 miles, bring a 'baby-Gatorade' on your run because it could really energize you throughout your run.
9. (AWESOME site!)
10. Buy shorts that have a tiny pocket on the inside of the shorts to store a car or house key. That way you don't have to hold anything while you run.
Goals I have (Lord-willing):
1. I want to get faster. I would like to run 10:00 miles throughout the entire marathon. Idealistically, I want to run 9:45 miles but I have to think realistically.
2. I will be doing more calisthenics to work on my speed.
3. Doing 100-150 situps/ab-work every other day.
4. From here on out on all my runs, no walking, unless I have a serious injury or migraine.
5. Do hill-work 1-2 times per week.
Prayer for:
1. Drew and I's health. I have had so many colds this year and last that I get so nervous that I will get one the day of the marathon and not be able to complete it. Please pray for this one the most!!!
2. Stamina of heart, mind, and muscles. Even though I am only 26 soon to be 27, I run very different compared to the marathon I did just 5 years ago. (I'm slower and not as strong)
3. That all this running would glorify God and draw me closer to Him.
1. stretch, stretch, and more stretch! Stretch before you run, right after you run, and the day after you run. Try stretching everyday.
2. If you get shin splints or some type of muscle tear, just wait 3-4 days before running. Don't rush or it will get worse, did that and it was awful! During the wait, you can eliptical or walk and work on upper body.
3. the stronger the abs, the stronger you might run ( i still need to work harder on this one)
4. It's all a mind-game. Bring scripture, music, prayer cards, etc.
5. Smile or talk to yourself when you feel like giving up. I tell myself, "Don't be a wimp, c'mon!" (and sometimes I'll clap to get myself going, i look funny, yes.)
6. Don't run if you have a sinus-infection or any congestion in the head (it might be just me, but the last 2 times I have come down with migraines, blech)
7. Find someone to hold you accountable. Drew is that for me right now because we are both training for the same race.
8. If you are running for more than 10 miles, bring a 'baby-Gatorade' on your run because it could really energize you throughout your run.
9. (AWESOME site!)
10. Buy shorts that have a tiny pocket on the inside of the shorts to store a car or house key. That way you don't have to hold anything while you run.
Goals I have (Lord-willing):
1. I want to get faster. I would like to run 10:00 miles throughout the entire marathon. Idealistically, I want to run 9:45 miles but I have to think realistically.
2. I will be doing more calisthenics to work on my speed.
3. Doing 100-150 situps/ab-work every other day.
4. From here on out on all my runs, no walking, unless I have a serious injury or migraine.
5. Do hill-work 1-2 times per week.
Prayer for:
1. Drew and I's health. I have had so many colds this year and last that I get so nervous that I will get one the day of the marathon and not be able to complete it. Please pray for this one the most!!!
2. Stamina of heart, mind, and muscles. Even though I am only 26 soon to be 27, I run very different compared to the marathon I did just 5 years ago. (I'm slower and not as strong)
3. That all this running would glorify God and draw me closer to Him.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
He is Greater Than......
This summer I am spending my study times in the gospels. I have it mapped out for the whole summer and I am way behind already. John Piper really encouraged me in one of his sermons that if I legitimately desired to know my Savior better, I should be pouring my life into the 4 gospels. How incredible is it that we have FOUR accounts of our Savior's life, teachings, and his response to mankind?
I was studying in Matthew 12 and the phrase, "Something greater than....." is repeated 3 times. Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees after they ask if it is lawful for Jesus to pick grain on the Sabbath and also to heal a man on the Sabbath. HANG WITH ME!!!!
The Pharisees were acting as if THEY were the authority and the way to God and Jesus is letting them know that they aren't. This is where those 3 phrases of "something greater than..." come into play.
1. I tell you, something greater than the temple is here.
2. And behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
3. And behold, something greater than Solomon is here.
Greater than:
The Temple
The temple allowed access to God in a very specific place and time.
Jesus is allows believers access to God through the Holy Spirit in our BODILY temples. Worship unto God is not limited to time and place anymore!
Jonah suffered punishment due to his disobedience towards God 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a whale.
Jesus suffered on the cross 3 days and 3 nights for the sins of the world but He was perfect, spotless, HOLY!
Solomon was prized for having great wealth and wisdom. Solomon disobeyed and ran after foreign wives and God sent Solomon's enemies after him.
Jesus holds an eternal inheritance for his believers. It is perfect, uninterrupted worship of God in His presence. As part of the Trinity, Jesus had a role in creating this entire earth and unto which He deserves all praise and honor for a restored relationship back to our Father.
Jesus is greater than our boundaries that we seem to place on worshiping Him.
Jesus is greater than our sin and defeated all of death.
Jesus is greater than the earth's possessions and all that it has to offer.
Is Jesus greater than you?
I was studying in Matthew 12 and the phrase, "Something greater than....." is repeated 3 times. Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees after they ask if it is lawful for Jesus to pick grain on the Sabbath and also to heal a man on the Sabbath. HANG WITH ME!!!!
The Pharisees were acting as if THEY were the authority and the way to God and Jesus is letting them know that they aren't. This is where those 3 phrases of "something greater than..." come into play.
1. I tell you, something greater than the temple is here.
2. And behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
3. And behold, something greater than Solomon is here.
Greater than:
The Temple
Jesus is allows believers access to God through the Holy Spirit in our BODILY temples. Worship unto God is not limited to time and place anymore!
Jesus suffered on the cross 3 days and 3 nights for the sins of the world but He was perfect, spotless, HOLY!
Jesus holds an eternal inheritance for his believers. It is perfect, uninterrupted worship of God in His presence. As part of the Trinity, Jesus had a role in creating this entire earth and unto which He deserves all praise and honor for a restored relationship back to our Father.
Jesus is greater than our boundaries that we seem to place on worshiping Him.
Jesus is greater than our sin and defeated all of death.
Jesus is greater than the earth's possessions and all that it has to offer.
Is Jesus greater than you?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Florida; Part 2
{Drew and I floating in the ocean. The water had a lot of algae in it. Usually the water was clear but certain sections were very green.}
{After the beach we would always go and jump in the pool. and normally you jump in a pool to cool off, but this water was at least 80-85 degrees; a little toasty.}
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Seagrove Beach
Rest is a beautiful thing. To go away, to turn off the daily 'noise', and to rest is a treat. Drew and I have been on little trips to visit friends and family but not really AWAY away for a long time, since our honeymoon. It was sooooooooooo good to say goodbye to facebook for awhile, turn off my cell phone, read books, and just sit and listen in the stillness to what God is saying.
Here are some of the highlights of the trip in no particular order:
1. Golf Cart to the Beach!!!

{I am reading Les Miserables
and Drew is reading a book on Jonathan Edwards}

#4: Getting to hang out with my best friend 24-7!
{Oh and did I mention that I love this guy? He encourages me spiritually, emotionally, loves me so much, and is more than I ever prayed for}
#5: Still have to train for that marathon even though we're on vacation.
{Can I just say that it was so stinkn' humid and toasty it about sucked the life out of me just walking. We were supposed to run 4 times but shhhh... don't tell we only ran 3 days. The last day we ran 9 miles. I had to walk a little, was in desperate need of water, and stuck my head under a beach shower to relieve myself of the heat. Drew ran at 3pm! CRAZY! So I made sure he was doing okay and drove up and down the roads to keep my eye on him.}
#6: Favorite night- Date night in Seagrove, Seaside, and Destin.
{We ate awesome steak at The Old Florida Fish House, drove to the Silver Sands Outlet Mall and got a few goodies, got ice cream sundaes, and sat in the dark in 2 white, wooden rocking chairs, listening to a live outdoor band. Then there was thunder and lightning at the beach, so we drove to the beach and in complete darkness watched listened as the storm rolled in. Then every night seemed to end in Dan, Michelle, Drew and I watching House Hunters.}
#7: The night at the beach renewing Dan & Michelle's wedding vows.
{So maybe this picture doesn't depict this night exactly but Michelle has a bunch of pix. Drew renewed their vows, Dan sang, and I took photos. The girls were so cute in their little dresses and all Ava wanted to do was throw her bucket of seashells into the ocean.}
#8: Seeing this scene everyday. It will never grow old to me.
{We came almost everyday. The beaches were very quiet and not crowded at all! The oil leak has scared many people away from this area. It felt like our own private little beach at times.}
I will post more later!
Here are some of the highlights of the trip in no particular order:
1. Golf Cart to the Beach!!!
{This was a treat to have! We were tying floaties to the top, packing it down with chairs, towels galore, and of course SNACKS!}
#2: Sand chairs are one of the best beach inventions.
{See that blue chair with the yellow towel? That is a beautiful little chair! We could pull ourselves right up to the waves, getting our feet wet, while reading to the sound of the ocean waves.}
#3: Reading, reading, and more reading.
#2: Sand chairs are one of the best beach inventions.

#3: Reading, reading, and more reading.

and Drew is reading a book on Jonathan Edwards}

#4: Getting to hang out with my best friend 24-7!
#5: Still have to train for that marathon even though we're on vacation.
#6: Favorite night- Date night in Seagrove, Seaside, and Destin.
#7: The night at the beach renewing Dan & Michelle's wedding vows.
#8: Seeing this scene everyday. It will never grow old to me.
I will post more later!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What Do I Love? or Who Do I Love?
First John 2:15-17 was such a good reminder for me this morning:
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world- the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions- is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."
Too often, I allow the world and all its empty promises of fulfillment and complete satisfaction, to infiltrate my mind. I want to feel important or of some worth, so I go to my favorite store and buy just a "little something" to fill that void of importance or worth. I am feeling a little down about myself so in order to make myself feel and look better, I am willing to flatten someone else's character, even if it's not verbal but I can be thinking it.
I am forgetting the gospel in those moments. I am forgetting that I am a daughter of the King and that He has cleansed and redeemed me, and that alone is where I should rest. I couldn't have dug out of my debt of sin for a 1,000 or 1,000,000 days in order to be free. I can't, but He did.
My clothes will fade away, that kitchen tool that I've always wanted will go out of style, my car will eventually croak, but Jesus, the gospel, and His Word will always remain! They never change and that is reason enough and ever to rest in Him forever.
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world- the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions- is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."
Too often, I allow the world and all its empty promises of fulfillment and complete satisfaction, to infiltrate my mind. I want to feel important or of some worth, so I go to my favorite store and buy just a "little something" to fill that void of importance or worth. I am feeling a little down about myself so in order to make myself feel and look better, I am willing to flatten someone else's character, even if it's not verbal but I can be thinking it.
I am forgetting the gospel in those moments. I am forgetting that I am a daughter of the King and that He has cleansed and redeemed me, and that alone is where I should rest. I couldn't have dug out of my debt of sin for a 1,000 or 1,000,000 days in order to be free. I can't, but He did.
My clothes will fade away, that kitchen tool that I've always wanted will go out of style, my car will eventually croak, but Jesus, the gospel, and His Word will always remain! They never change and that is reason enough and ever to rest in Him forever.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wimps Not Allowed
Recently I have heard more stories than I have wanted about seemingly strong believers in Christ walking away from the faith and living in their sin comfortably. Some of them I knew better than others and that is hard to swallow. It is actually very discouraging and it grieves my heart. I asked myself, "How did they get there? What did they begin to compromise early on that seemed like no big deal?"
It led me to really question myself about my love for Jesus. Do I really love him? Do I love the truth in His Word? I think that at the root of sin is unbelief. Unbelief in who God has said He is. Unbelief that He will act on His promises. When I worry, I doubt God and His goodness or His plan for me.
Then I opened to 2 Timothy. Paul is facing execution and he writes this letter to Timothy, who has been like a mentoree to Paul. Paul gives a few names of people who were seemingly following Christ and His truth and then walked away. He reminds him to:
* be strengthened by the grace of Christ Jesus
* By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you
* If we have died with him, we will also live with him,; if we endure; we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful------- for he cannot deny himself.
* Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.
* There are people who are burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at the knowledge of the truth.
*Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed
* All Scripture is breathed out by God...... that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
* I have finished the race and have kept the faith
I think God sovereignly woke me up today to remind me to remain steadfast in Him, His Word, and in the fellowship of His people. There will always be appealing offers to walk away but they will lead to a Christ-less life and I cannot live without Him. Don't compromise your love for your Savior for anything; it just doesn't seem work it.
It led me to really question myself about my love for Jesus. Do I really love him? Do I love the truth in His Word? I think that at the root of sin is unbelief. Unbelief in who God has said He is. Unbelief that He will act on His promises. When I worry, I doubt God and His goodness or His plan for me.
Then I opened to 2 Timothy. Paul is facing execution and he writes this letter to Timothy, who has been like a mentoree to Paul. Paul gives a few names of people who were seemingly following Christ and His truth and then walked away. He reminds him to:
* be strengthened by the grace of Christ Jesus
* By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you
* If we have died with him, we will also live with him,; if we endure; we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful------- for he cannot deny himself.
* Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.
* There are people who are burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at the knowledge of the truth.
*Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed
* All Scripture is breathed out by God...... that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
* I have finished the race and have kept the faith
I think God sovereignly woke me up today to remind me to remain steadfast in Him, His Word, and in the fellowship of His people. There will always be appealing offers to walk away but they will lead to a Christ-less life and I cannot live without Him. Don't compromise your love for your Savior for anything; it just doesn't seem work it.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
3 days and 3 nights
Another lesson titled, "I'm not in Control," again. Sheesh, I thought I learned this one. One thing you must know about me before I go on: I LOVE sleep! Since the first week of me being an infant I have loved sleep. My mom even called the doctor because she was worried something was wrong with me because I slept so much. I am a morning person and usually go to bed no later than 11pm. If I have missed my special amount of sleep, another person gets inside of me and starts acting deranged. :)
So this leads us to last Sunday night, I go to bed just like every other night. And I don't sleep. I may have gotten 3-4ish hours on and off. I wake up feeling awful and having to work. I'm formulating all kinds of theories as to why I didn't sleep: "maybe it was the Lost finale, maybe I have a major sin issue in my life, do I have something stressful in my life right now that I'm not willing to face...." The possibilities went on and on. And then Monday night......
I didn't sleep. At this point I'm so tired but my body just won't let me go to sleep. My heart is pounding. I'm uber frustrated that I'm not just falling asleep and I'm watching my husband sink into a fast sleep and looking so peaceful. I did everything to try and fall asleep. I even called my dad and he insisted I wasn't sleeping because I missed him. I may have slept on and off for 5 hours not really getting that deep sleep though. The next morning I felt alive and awake though. My coworkers were making all kinds of theories for me as to why I wasn't sleeping and as always because I'm married and at the age that I am, the pregnancy theory always came to the forefront. Just so you don't skim to the bottom and get disappointed, I'm not pregnant. :) I checked.
So by Tuesday, I'm feeling super-human-like. I'm living life, I'm not grouchy, and I'm surviving on very little amounts of sleep. I had told God that maybe sleep had become an idol and I had stopped relying on him for most of my everyday/every second functions. Then came Tuesday night, I look awful by now. I'm with a group of ladies and I have the deepest purple bags under my eyes. I'm pretty much falling asleep while with them and trying hard not to. They insist I go home and go to bed.
Same story, couldn't fall asleep. I begin crying, Drew's losing sleep because of me now, my mother-in-law tries to calm me down and prays for me. She concludes that my nerves have taken over by now and they are not letting me sleep. She tells me that I must surrender even my nerves to the Lord and trust Him whether I do or don't get sleep. I finally fall asleep for about 6 hours on and off. I'm smelling the end by now.
Wednesday I have several people praying for me to be able to sleep that night. I felt totally calm all day until 2 hours before I'm going to bed. I felt the nerves come back. I continuously surrendered my nerves up to God. Then I saw a verse I had written down, "You restore me o, Lord. Lead me in the way of righteousness." Those 2 words, "Lead me," stuck out instantly. I wasn't letting my Savior lead me. I have always been in control of myself, or so I thought. Anytime something physical would happen I would immediately worry and I would try to conjure up a plan to restore myself. So anytime I felt those nerves start to creep up, I knew it was my controlling nature that was trying to control the situation and I just repeated over and over, "You restore me, You lead me; not me."
And Wednesday night, I SLEPT FOR ALMOST 9 HOURS!!!!! I am so weak today but I am starting to understand and actually want God to be in control of me. Before, I wanted Him to but I faked myself out by putting myself in charge and telling myself it was God. I surrender all to You, Lord.
So this leads us to last Sunday night, I go to bed just like every other night. And I don't sleep. I may have gotten 3-4ish hours on and off. I wake up feeling awful and having to work. I'm formulating all kinds of theories as to why I didn't sleep: "maybe it was the Lost finale, maybe I have a major sin issue in my life, do I have something stressful in my life right now that I'm not willing to face...." The possibilities went on and on. And then Monday night......
I didn't sleep. At this point I'm so tired but my body just won't let me go to sleep. My heart is pounding. I'm uber frustrated that I'm not just falling asleep and I'm watching my husband sink into a fast sleep and looking so peaceful. I did everything to try and fall asleep. I even called my dad and he insisted I wasn't sleeping because I missed him. I may have slept on and off for 5 hours not really getting that deep sleep though. The next morning I felt alive and awake though. My coworkers were making all kinds of theories for me as to why I wasn't sleeping and as always because I'm married and at the age that I am, the pregnancy theory always came to the forefront. Just so you don't skim to the bottom and get disappointed, I'm not pregnant. :) I checked.
So by Tuesday, I'm feeling super-human-like. I'm living life, I'm not grouchy, and I'm surviving on very little amounts of sleep. I had told God that maybe sleep had become an idol and I had stopped relying on him for most of my everyday/every second functions. Then came Tuesday night, I look awful by now. I'm with a group of ladies and I have the deepest purple bags under my eyes. I'm pretty much falling asleep while with them and trying hard not to. They insist I go home and go to bed.
Same story, couldn't fall asleep. I begin crying, Drew's losing sleep because of me now, my mother-in-law tries to calm me down and prays for me. She concludes that my nerves have taken over by now and they are not letting me sleep. She tells me that I must surrender even my nerves to the Lord and trust Him whether I do or don't get sleep. I finally fall asleep for about 6 hours on and off. I'm smelling the end by now.
Wednesday I have several people praying for me to be able to sleep that night. I felt totally calm all day until 2 hours before I'm going to bed. I felt the nerves come back. I continuously surrendered my nerves up to God. Then I saw a verse I had written down, "You restore me o, Lord. Lead me in the way of righteousness." Those 2 words, "Lead me," stuck out instantly. I wasn't letting my Savior lead me. I have always been in control of myself, or so I thought. Anytime something physical would happen I would immediately worry and I would try to conjure up a plan to restore myself. So anytime I felt those nerves start to creep up, I knew it was my controlling nature that was trying to control the situation and I just repeated over and over, "You restore me, You lead me; not me."
And Wednesday night, I SLEPT FOR ALMOST 9 HOURS!!!!! I am so weak today but I am starting to understand and actually want God to be in control of me. Before, I wanted Him to but I faked myself out by putting myself in charge and telling myself it was God. I surrender all to You, Lord.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Living For the Eternal
This is one of the hardest things to do because we feel like temporary beings. But we're not, we will live somewhere eternally after our earthly death. God's Word says things like:
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth.... for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also....... each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will show will test the quality of each man's work.....being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord...."
Christ is my purpose for living. God has made each day new. He holds my every breath in his hand. Christ has made me a new creature and I am His.
So why do I think and choose activities everyday that sometimes do not reflect this amazing truth? Because I am selfish, WAY too independent, and controlling. Isn't this a joke to trade my Father's precious gifts to me for MY wishes and wants. And it really only buys me about 1 hour of happiness, if even that much.
I want to drink in more of His Word instead of this world. I don't want to just know His Word, although that is wonderful, I want to LOVE His Word. I want to love His Word and His truth. A love for Him and His truth will affect everything else I choose to do.
I have been budgeting for the summer, for a couple trips Drew and I are taking, planning meals, and bought some summer clothes. These things are good to do and fun sometimes but I never want them to become something I do just for the here and now. What I do now and how I spend my days matters.
If I am living just for this earth, I am going to be more concerned with people's approval than God's truth.
If I am living just for this earth, I am going to be more concerned with possessions rather than loving and giving generously.
If I am living just for this earth, that is just silly. If you don't know if you believe all this, or God, or in Jesus Christ, or what His truth is, let's talk.
Thank you Christ for giving me life, purpose, hope, and every day to live for you.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth.... for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also....... each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will show will test the quality of each man's work.....being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord...."
Christ is my purpose for living. God has made each day new. He holds my every breath in his hand. Christ has made me a new creature and I am His.
So why do I think and choose activities everyday that sometimes do not reflect this amazing truth? Because I am selfish, WAY too independent, and controlling. Isn't this a joke to trade my Father's precious gifts to me for MY wishes and wants. And it really only buys me about 1 hour of happiness, if even that much.
I want to drink in more of His Word instead of this world. I don't want to just know His Word, although that is wonderful, I want to LOVE His Word. I want to love His Word and His truth. A love for Him and His truth will affect everything else I choose to do.
I have been budgeting for the summer, for a couple trips Drew and I are taking, planning meals, and bought some summer clothes. These things are good to do and fun sometimes but I never want them to become something I do just for the here and now. What I do now and how I spend my days matters.
If I am living just for this earth, I am going to be more concerned with people's approval than God's truth.
If I am living just for this earth, I am going to be more concerned with possessions rather than loving and giving generously.
If I am living just for this earth, that is just silly. If you don't know if you believe all this, or God, or in Jesus Christ, or what His truth is, let's talk.
Thank you Christ for giving me life, purpose, hope, and every day to live for you.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Sinus pressure. This year has been the absolute WORST for my sinuses and I don't have any good reasons. Back in September Drew and I were perpetually sick until November, then I carried into November, having bronchitis. I was never 100% all through December, maybe a week at a time. Then in January, I had another bout of bronchitis and a sinus infection. I was actually feeling okay from February-March until the nice weather started to kick in. Then came allergies. By Easter I was back to having some serious sinus problems. And now, my head is about to pop off and I spent the last 2 nights sleeping upright thinking it would help.
I'm going to the doctor but it is so frustrating. Going to the doctor and experimenting with different medicines isn't cheap. I love to be outside and run but lately I have been hating the spring because I haven't been able to really enjoy it. I'm just not used to being sick so much in a year.
I think God is showing me that I'm not in control again. But he's not doing it in a way of torture, I know that. Every time this happens, my temper flares, and I get so impatient. But I think I am now starting to ask myself, "How are you going to react even when you don't feel good?" That is a struggle for me when I feel so out of my body. Will I praise Him and be willing to encourage others despite these rounds of sickness? I also know there are people in many worse circumstances than me and I shouldn't complain. And there are people who have responded much more Christ-like and loving in their illness than me.
I really want to use this time and see that God just needs me to rest in Him. I need to stop denying that I am sick, go to the doctor right away, and just take the time off I need to get well. My pride really stands in the way sometimes.
or maybe..... God wants us to move to a warmer location.... hmmm..... :) I am thankful to be reminded again that God knows my body, he created me, and I am just clearly not in control.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Who am I?
Do you ever have days that you're not quite sure who you want to be? Or maybe you're curious how you got to be where you are now. Or maybe you wonder why you have so many odd mannerisms...... I do. This weekend was one of the last weekends to say good-bye to my parents and brother before they move back to Kansas City, MO (where I grew up). Then I was just helping at a wedding shower and the couple lives in KCMO. And then I've had repeated dreams about my hometown. So after all that, I started thinking, who am I, where am I, and what am I?
Why do I love storms, lightning, tornadoes, and thunder so much? Why do I torture my husband by taking my socks off and wherever they land is where they seem to stay until he so graciously picks them up? What is so intriguing about edged yards?
Why did I get so excited when a Sonic was built about 20 mins from me? Why do I know people by their vehicles? Why do I love to correct people when they talk about me being from Kansas? (btw, I'm from MISSOURI!!) Did you know that Missouri borders 8 states? I have work/school-clothes and play-clothes (this goes WAY back).
I rarely fold my clothes inside my dresser, no need. I have 6 junk drawers. My pantry must always have choc. chips, pb., and tortillas for the perfect afternoon snack. The evening news is usually my background noise for making dinner. I make myself do "chores" before I'm allowed to do any of my fun stuff after I get home from work.
I still love mail, even though I think I'm supposed to hate it by now. Every now and then, I sneak a listen to the country music station. I haven't quite figured out which accent I have yet, but I think the Ohio one is getting stronger. I read more southern than I talk, hmmm...
I am a girl from Smithville, MO. met my love in Chicago, and moved to Stow, Ohio to live happily ever after with him. I wonder if we will get to stay here or if we will move. I'm kinda liking it here so far, I think we should stay.
Why do I love storms, lightning, tornadoes, and thunder so much? Why do I torture my husband by taking my socks off and wherever they land is where they seem to stay until he so graciously picks them up? What is so intriguing about edged yards?
Why did I get so excited when a Sonic was built about 20 mins from me? Why do I know people by their vehicles? Why do I love to correct people when they talk about me being from Kansas? (btw, I'm from MISSOURI!!) Did you know that Missouri borders 8 states? I have work/school-clothes and play-clothes (this goes WAY back).
I rarely fold my clothes inside my dresser, no need. I have 6 junk drawers. My pantry must always have choc. chips, pb., and tortillas for the perfect afternoon snack. The evening news is usually my background noise for making dinner. I make myself do "chores" before I'm allowed to do any of my fun stuff after I get home from work.
I still love mail, even though I think I'm supposed to hate it by now. Every now and then, I sneak a listen to the country music station. I haven't quite figured out which accent I have yet, but I think the Ohio one is getting stronger. I read more southern than I talk, hmmm...
I am a girl from Smithville, MO. met my love in Chicago, and moved to Stow, Ohio to live happily ever after with him. I wonder if we will get to stay here or if we will move. I'm kinda liking it here so far, I think we should stay.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Because He Loves Me
Quotes from "Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life" by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick:
"One very common form of physical amnesia is caused by the over-consumption of alcohol. When a person drinks to the point of drunkenness, he is liable to forget what he has done or even how he got home. In like manner, I think that most of us have spiritual amnesia because of what we've been drinking. I believe that we all have had such a deep draught from the fountains of worldly wisdom that it's quite common for us to forget how the truths we hear in church on Sunday morning apply to our daily lives.....
"There has been a disconnect between our stated beliefs- my identity is that I'm one who's been loved immeasurably by God and am one with him- and our practical beliefs- my identity and self-worth are determined by whether I am popular, respected, a winner, and well-fed- is alcohol induced; it's caused by our willful consumption of the intoxicating "wisdoms" of the world. Rather than being inebriated with God's mercy, grace, and Spirit (Eph. 5:18) we're staggering around under the misconception that we really do need to love, accept, and respect ourselves to make it through the day. ....
"It's in these ways..... that we forget who we are: incalculably sinful men and women who are loved immeasurably by an infinitely holy God. We also forget how we are called to respond: in grateful obedience. .......Everything that needed to be done for us has been done. We don't need to fight to gain his love and acceptance."
"One very common form of physical amnesia is caused by the over-consumption of alcohol. When a person drinks to the point of drunkenness, he is liable to forget what he has done or even how he got home. In like manner, I think that most of us have spiritual amnesia because of what we've been drinking. I believe that we all have had such a deep draught from the fountains of worldly wisdom that it's quite common for us to forget how the truths we hear in church on Sunday morning apply to our daily lives.....
"There has been a disconnect between our stated beliefs- my identity is that I'm one who's been loved immeasurably by God and am one with him- and our practical beliefs- my identity and self-worth are determined by whether I am popular, respected, a winner, and well-fed- is alcohol induced; it's caused by our willful consumption of the intoxicating "wisdoms" of the world. Rather than being inebriated with God's mercy, grace, and Spirit (Eph. 5:18) we're staggering around under the misconception that we really do need to love, accept, and respect ourselves to make it through the day. ....
"It's in these ways..... that we forget who we are: incalculably sinful men and women who are loved immeasurably by an infinitely holy God. We also forget how we are called to respond: in grateful obedience. .......Everything that needed to be done for us has been done. We don't need to fight to gain his love and acceptance."
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Should a Christian Read Harry Potter?
I have been hesitating to write this blog a little because it is highly controversial within Christianity for valid enough reasons. I just finished reading the last book in the Harry Potter series and I have seen all the movies except for the movies yet to be released on "The Deathly Hallows."
First, I will present the Scripture. Secondly, I will argue for and against Harry Potter. Lastly, I will share what I thought and if I will read these books to my children.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son of his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does those things is an abomination to the Lord....."
Ephesian 5:19a, 20a, 21b "Now the works of the flesh are evident....sorcery.....I warn you, as I have warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."
These verses point out the dangers and disobedience to those who practice such things. My question: Are we practicing by reading? I think it is tied up in a whole ball of wax. Obviously I think that practicing witchcraft or trying to contact the dead is wrong. But what was JK Rowlings purpose in writing these books? Once that is established we have to see that JK Rowling wasn't actually writing a "How-To Guide" on Wizardry. She was creating a imaginative playground for people. The way she describes a situation is in such exquisite detail; she is talented. There are forces of good and evil , Rowling writes Harry always having to choose between good vs. evil or selfish desires vs. necessary/sacrificial means. There is something redeemable in this series.
*Wizardry is not the main focus of Harry Potter, although it is the world that Harry lives in.
*Love is a huge theme that Dumbledore is constantly distinguishing Harry(good) from Voldemort(bad).
* Harry has 2 very loyal friends that are constantly fighting for the good and eventually gain many more willing to fight for the good cause.
*Harry is not held up as a perfect character, actually almost the opposite. He must learn most of his knowledge from special lessons with Dumbledore.
* There is a strong parent-child relationship building through out the books-----
Harry------> Dumbledore, his interest in his parents who are deceased, Hagrid, the Weasleys
*There is some inappropriate language in the books if they are being read by children.
* Harry does show disrespect to certain professors and to his aunt an uncle.
Personally, I love these books. I know that her intent wasn't biblical but I definitely noticed many ties between Harry Potter and our spiritual lives. I think whatever we choose to read we need to read through a biblical lens and to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us. I would not read these books to my children until:
- they were mature enough to know the difference between fantasy and real.
- they are able to understand good vs. bad
- they have an understanding of our sin nature and the ways of Christ
After each chapter I would want to:
- discuss right vs. wrong
- point out examples of how it can pertain to our spiritual lives
- remind them that this is again not real but something that is able to point out truths into our lives at times.
What do you think of Harry Potter?
First, I will present the Scripture. Secondly, I will argue for and against Harry Potter. Lastly, I will share what I thought and if I will read these books to my children.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son of his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does those things is an abomination to the Lord....."
Ephesian 5:19a, 20a, 21b "Now the works of the flesh are evident....sorcery.....I warn you, as I have warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."
These verses point out the dangers and disobedience to those who practice such things. My question: Are we practicing by reading? I think it is tied up in a whole ball of wax. Obviously I think that practicing witchcraft or trying to contact the dead is wrong. But what was JK Rowlings purpose in writing these books? Once that is established we have to see that JK Rowling wasn't actually writing a "How-To Guide" on Wizardry. She was creating a imaginative playground for people. The way she describes a situation is in such exquisite detail; she is talented. There are forces of good and evil , Rowling writes Harry always having to choose between good vs. evil or selfish desires vs. necessary/sacrificial means. There is something redeemable in this series.
*Wizardry is not the main focus of Harry Potter, although it is the world that Harry lives in.
*Love is a huge theme that Dumbledore is constantly distinguishing Harry(good) from Voldemort(bad).
* Harry has 2 very loyal friends that are constantly fighting for the good and eventually gain many more willing to fight for the good cause.
*Harry is not held up as a perfect character, actually almost the opposite. He must learn most of his knowledge from special lessons with Dumbledore.
* There is a strong parent-child relationship building through out the books-----
Harry------> Dumbledore, his interest in his parents who are deceased, Hagrid, the Weasleys
*There is some inappropriate language in the books if they are being read by children.
* Harry does show disrespect to certain professors and to his aunt an uncle.
Personally, I love these books. I know that her intent wasn't biblical but I definitely noticed many ties between Harry Potter and our spiritual lives. I think whatever we choose to read we need to read through a biblical lens and to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us. I would not read these books to my children until:
- they were mature enough to know the difference between fantasy and real.
- they are able to understand good vs. bad
- they have an understanding of our sin nature and the ways of Christ
After each chapter I would want to:
- discuss right vs. wrong
- point out examples of how it can pertain to our spiritual lives
- remind them that this is again not real but something that is able to point out truths into our lives at times.
What do you think of Harry Potter?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
FREE from the Love of Money
That phrase strikes me as odd and amazing all at the same time. I love that it uses, "free" to describe our attitude regarding money. This attitude towards money, possessions, and our lives shouldn't have to cost our spiritual souls anything. If we are NOT free from the love of money, our souls feel in constant bondage to this earth, coveting what others have, and stock-piling for ourselves and not giving generously.
If we are FREE from the love of money, it will not be our focus, I will begin to view each penny as a gift from God not a rite I have, and I will be able to give without batting an eye.
BUT, what is the KEY to being free from the love of money......
If I am content I will thank God profusely for what He has already given me, I will not be lusting for others' material possessions, I will view stuff as 'stuff' be reminded that it will all burn up someday, and I will live more in the present rather than in the future, making the most of each day unto the Lord.
God is showing me just how peaceful and restful abiding in Him really is. Somehow, my crazy mind thinks that I must still work for His approval and for others. I have been bought with Christ's blood, He is the perfect sacrifice, because I am in Christ I no longer have to work for my redemption, it HAS BEEN BOUGHT for me! And that is a debt I would never have been able to pay off even if I had tried my entire life to.
"The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me?"
If we are FREE from the love of money, it will not be our focus, I will begin to view each penny as a gift from God not a rite I have, and I will be able to give without batting an eye.
BUT, what is the KEY to being free from the love of money......
If I am content I will thank God profusely for what He has already given me, I will not be lusting for others' material possessions, I will view stuff as 'stuff' be reminded that it will all burn up someday, and I will live more in the present rather than in the future, making the most of each day unto the Lord.
God is showing me just how peaceful and restful abiding in Him really is. Somehow, my crazy mind thinks that I must still work for His approval and for others. I have been bought with Christ's blood, He is the perfect sacrifice, because I am in Christ I no longer have to work for my redemption, it HAS BEEN BOUGHT for me! And that is a debt I would never have been able to pay off even if I had tried my entire life to.
"The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me?"
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Food Inc.
Drew and I just watched Food Inc. last night. This is a documentary that shows just how pathetic American food processing and our eating are. This is what I learned from it:
1. Eat pesticide-free, natural fruits and veggies. America's grocery stores don't have seasons anymore. You can buy kiwi in the middle of December from Mexico, all the while, it has been chemically-ripened. Same with tomatoes and several other fruits and veggies.
2. Buy as much as you can from local farmers. This film made me very sorry for the true farmer, who doesn't use chemicals to grow their livestock, chicken, veggies, and fruits. They are trying to leave the foods unadulterated by unnatural substances and are sometimes sued/prosecuted by the FDA for unsanitary means of growing food.
3. Support your farmer by going to local farmer's markets. Yes, the eggs may cost twice as much as the 'fake' eggs, but would you rather pay for your food now, or pay the doctor later????
4. Meat production in the USA is at an all-time low. If you watch the film, you will see the abuse and all the chemical that go into packaging meats so they will be deemed 'safe' by the public. (They wash your chickens (Purdue, Tyson, etc) in AMMONIA before they package them up to send to your local grocery store. Sound good to you?)
5. There is way too much monopolization going on in the US with food production. You would be amazed how much McDonalds actually controls our food industry. They are the largest buyer of meat, chicken, pork, potatoes, and apples in the country. How is it that every McDonalds burger tastes the same in every country?
6. The chicken coops that your Tyson or Purdue chicken comes from are not what God intended when he said that "Man should have dominion over all the earth." The coops are dark, no windows, the chickens are covered in feces, and many die every day because of these conditions. One farmer was quoted for saying, "Why wouldn't you want to grow a chicken in 48 days what others are growing in 3 months? More money in my pocket."
All in all, I learned that food in its natural state is the way we should be eating. Find your farmer's markets or food that is grown locally and buy from them. They deserve your money for food not corporations who are trying to make cheap calories for big bucks. Eating more wholistically is hard and can be expensive, but we can change the demand for food if we start investing in the local farms. Maybe if we stopped buying soda, chips, and candy we could flip the food market. If we were buying more fresh food, it could become cheaper in the long run. Food Inc. states that we have 3 votes a day to try and change our culture and its food.
1. Eat pesticide-free, natural fruits and veggies. America's grocery stores don't have seasons anymore. You can buy kiwi in the middle of December from Mexico, all the while, it has been chemically-ripened. Same with tomatoes and several other fruits and veggies.
2. Buy as much as you can from local farmers. This film made me very sorry for the true farmer, who doesn't use chemicals to grow their livestock, chicken, veggies, and fruits. They are trying to leave the foods unadulterated by unnatural substances and are sometimes sued/prosecuted by the FDA for unsanitary means of growing food.
3. Support your farmer by going to local farmer's markets. Yes, the eggs may cost twice as much as the 'fake' eggs, but would you rather pay for your food now, or pay the doctor later????
4. Meat production in the USA is at an all-time low. If you watch the film, you will see the abuse and all the chemical that go into packaging meats so they will be deemed 'safe' by the public. (They wash your chickens (Purdue, Tyson, etc) in AMMONIA before they package them up to send to your local grocery store. Sound good to you?)
5. There is way too much monopolization going on in the US with food production. You would be amazed how much McDonalds actually controls our food industry. They are the largest buyer of meat, chicken, pork, potatoes, and apples in the country. How is it that every McDonalds burger tastes the same in every country?
6. The chicken coops that your Tyson or Purdue chicken comes from are not what God intended when he said that "Man should have dominion over all the earth." The coops are dark, no windows, the chickens are covered in feces, and many die every day because of these conditions. One farmer was quoted for saying, "Why wouldn't you want to grow a chicken in 48 days what others are growing in 3 months? More money in my pocket."
All in all, I learned that food in its natural state is the way we should be eating. Find your farmer's markets or food that is grown locally and buy from them. They deserve your money for food not corporations who are trying to make cheap calories for big bucks. Eating more wholistically is hard and can be expensive, but we can change the demand for food if we start investing in the local farms. Maybe if we stopped buying soda, chips, and candy we could flip the food market. If we were buying more fresh food, it could become cheaper in the long run. Food Inc. states that we have 3 votes a day to try and change our culture and its food.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Drew and I signed up to run the Akron Road-Runner Marathon on September 25th, 2010 just two weeks ago. Before we hit the 'pay' button, we looked at each other made a 'gulping' noise and Drew said, "Alright, let's do it!" Since the beginning of January, we have been training knowing that it was still 9 months away. Thankfully, I have run a marathon before, so I kind of know and can remember what I have felt on race day. And I have had a lot of time to reflect on this and see so many correlations in our spiritual lives.
Immediately after we decided in December that we were going to run it, I saw something that could not remain in my daily diet....... DORITOS! And, of course, I saw some foods Drew could give up, too, but I found out he likes to decide what stays and goes himself. It took about a month to officially give up my love for Doritos but 2 months later, I feel way better and can run a little longer. Chips were something I loved but they were doing my body bad, so I had to get rid of them, in view of the final race.
As believers, we are called to "lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely...." What am running with in this spiritual race that I need to lay aside, to just give up like I did seemingly easily with Doritos. I have a feeling that whatever I'm clinging to, once I give it up, I will look back and wonder why I ever wanted to hold on to something so weighty.
We started training in January, but had already been running lightly before. But we decided to kick it up a notch. We knew we still had 9 months but we feel the sooner we start training, the easier it will be in the end. Each day it takes much discipline to eat well, get enough sleep to run in the morning, and to work out even after a tiring day. So we started lifting weights, doing sit-ups, pushups, and sprinting, even on the days that we feel awful or it might be raining. All the while, keeping our eye on the final race.
"And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." Being a believer is not always easy and it takes a great deal of discipline and self-control to walk steadily in the Lord. Christ has done and is doing the sanctifying work needed in me, but I have to willing to lay aside my pride, my wants, and my selfish ambition in order to run the race. I have to look my sin in the face, call it what it is, and throw it out daily, AND. IT. IS. HARD.
September 25th is the official race day. We won't be making plans to go out of town that day. We won't be sleeping in that day. We won't be resting well the night before because of 'pre-race jitters.' But we will be eating out that day for lunch and dinner. We will be up very early on a Saturday so we can head out to the race. We will be running a race that will take us over 4 hours to run. (we are not trying to qualify for Boston :) ) My eye is already on this race and I get so excited and nervous thinking about it!
As a believer, I don't know the "final race day." But I do know who I am to look to in the meantime, "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Christ is my hope for living and my hope for dying because I know that I will get to see Him one day and that keeps me going everyday. I need Him everyday to be my spiritual trainer.
We will take all the 'rooters' as we can get for September 25th. See you there!
Immediately after we decided in December that we were going to run it, I saw something that could not remain in my daily diet....... DORITOS! And, of course, I saw some foods Drew could give up, too, but I found out he likes to decide what stays and goes himself. It took about a month to officially give up my love for Doritos but 2 months later, I feel way better and can run a little longer. Chips were something I loved but they were doing my body bad, so I had to get rid of them, in view of the final race.
As believers, we are called to "lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely...." What am running with in this spiritual race that I need to lay aside, to just give up like I did seemingly easily with Doritos. I have a feeling that whatever I'm clinging to, once I give it up, I will look back and wonder why I ever wanted to hold on to something so weighty.
We started training in January, but had already been running lightly before. But we decided to kick it up a notch. We knew we still had 9 months but we feel the sooner we start training, the easier it will be in the end. Each day it takes much discipline to eat well, get enough sleep to run in the morning, and to work out even after a tiring day. So we started lifting weights, doing sit-ups, pushups, and sprinting, even on the days that we feel awful or it might be raining. All the while, keeping our eye on the final race.
"And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." Being a believer is not always easy and it takes a great deal of discipline and self-control to walk steadily in the Lord. Christ has done and is doing the sanctifying work needed in me, but I have to willing to lay aside my pride, my wants, and my selfish ambition in order to run the race. I have to look my sin in the face, call it what it is, and throw it out daily, AND. IT. IS. HARD.
September 25th is the official race day. We won't be making plans to go out of town that day. We won't be sleeping in that day. We won't be resting well the night before because of 'pre-race jitters.' But we will be eating out that day for lunch and dinner. We will be up very early on a Saturday so we can head out to the race. We will be running a race that will take us over 4 hours to run. (we are not trying to qualify for Boston :) ) My eye is already on this race and I get so excited and nervous thinking about it!
As a believer, I don't know the "final race day." But I do know who I am to look to in the meantime, "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Christ is my hope for living and my hope for dying because I know that I will get to see Him one day and that keeps me going everyday. I need Him everyday to be my spiritual trainer.
We will take all the 'rooters' as we can get for September 25th. See you there!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Calling all Wives
I was given a book to read by a wonderful, godly woman about 3 weeks ago. I was warned that it has a "love-hate" relationship with women and that intrigued me enough to read it. I came into it very skeptical because as a 'new' wife, I feel as if I have read a gammat of wife- books. But the cover was intriguing enough for me not to just toss it on my bookshelves: Created To Be His Help-Meet: Discover how God can make your marriage glorious.
Who wouldn't want to read such a bold title as that? and Who wouldn't want a "glorious" marriage? So I set-out on my journey through this book and this is what I found:
- God's perfect will for me, as a wife, is that I be a help-meet to my husband. I do have a choice in how good my marriage will be. "For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man." (1 Corinthians 11:8-9)
- Break the 'poor- me' habit. Is the joy of the Lord our strength? If it is, wives will need to stop using the "poor- me" excuse to manipulate their husbands into their plans. Learn to smile, showing him what is lovely, and and earning every shared moment.
- Practice makes perfect. Practice having a merry and thankful heart. Too often, wives have practiced sad, unthankful, and complaining hearts due to financial constraints. This downcast, unthankful attitude is a dishonor to God and an attack on your husband's ego. There are a thousand verses that talk about being thankful/ content in all circumstances.
- As wives, we were not made to be our husband's conscience. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. Go to God and pray, pray, pray before you think about bringing something up to your husband. More than often, the Lord is already working in your husband concerning this issue. Leave things that are the Holy Spirit's to the Holy Spirit.
- Do not allow yourself to dwell on bitter, mad thoughts concerning your husband. Were you mad at your husband this week over something he did, like being late, speaking rudely to you, or yelling at the kids? Did you seethe with bitterness and intentionally avoid looking into his eyes so as to express your disdain? You know what I am talking about. You remember the ugliness of your own heart and soul. Yes, your husband deserved it. Yes, it is your right. But is there any satisfaction in your punishing responses? Does he now bend to your anger and do better in hopes of escaping your condemnation? He practices his faults, and you practice your bitterness. You are both practicing divorce. Your children watch and are practicing being poor future mothers and fathers.
- Learn to enjoy the trip. Do you find yourself having to direct him through traffic or giving out directions? All for the stupid reason of not getting lost or being on time, I open my big mouth and try to command my husband in an impatient tone, all the while, lowering and lowering his ego. All in all, it is not really a big deal if he takes a wrong turn or we get there a few minutes late, I just need to be quiet and enjoy the ride.
- From the beginning, God meant for us to be a comfort, a blessing, a reward, a friend, an encouragement, and a right- hand woman. Adam commenced his rule of the planet before God created Eve to help him in his life's goals. Adam didn't need Eve's consent. God gave her to Adam to be HIS helper, not his partner. She was designed to serve, not to be served, to assist, not to veto his decisions..... Look at Eve. Can you imagine her saying something like this to Adam? "When God brought me to you in that wonderful garden, and we commenced life together, you never said anything about thorns and thistles, about pain in childbirth, about milking goats and churning butter. I am not a wilderness girl!"
Life is full of choices. How you choose to respond will help decide your fate in life. Life is now. Learn to really enjoy taking out the trash or milking a cow. You will be amazed at how God will fill you full of himself.
This book has been so encouraging and has woken me up to love and help my husband. How I react to my husband affects our marriage in a HUGE way, whether it be good or bad. So badly I want control over the situation, but is it worth me going against my husband's leadership and overall, against God's authority to have 10 minutes of control? I don't think so.
Please read this book! It is called "Created to Be His Help-Meet" by Debi Pearl.
Who wouldn't want to read such a bold title as that? and Who wouldn't want a "glorious" marriage? So I set-out on my journey through this book and this is what I found:
- God's perfect will for me, as a wife, is that I be a help-meet to my husband. I do have a choice in how good my marriage will be. "For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man." (1 Corinthians 11:8-9)
- Break the 'poor- me' habit. Is the joy of the Lord our strength? If it is, wives will need to stop using the "poor- me" excuse to manipulate their husbands into their plans. Learn to smile, showing him what is lovely, and and earning every shared moment.
- Practice makes perfect. Practice having a merry and thankful heart. Too often, wives have practiced sad, unthankful, and complaining hearts due to financial constraints. This downcast, unthankful attitude is a dishonor to God and an attack on your husband's ego. There are a thousand verses that talk about being thankful/ content in all circumstances.
- As wives, we were not made to be our husband's conscience. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. Go to God and pray, pray, pray before you think about bringing something up to your husband. More than often, the Lord is already working in your husband concerning this issue. Leave things that are the Holy Spirit's to the Holy Spirit.
- Do not allow yourself to dwell on bitter, mad thoughts concerning your husband. Were you mad at your husband this week over something he did, like being late, speaking rudely to you, or yelling at the kids? Did you seethe with bitterness and intentionally avoid looking into his eyes so as to express your disdain? You know what I am talking about. You remember the ugliness of your own heart and soul. Yes, your husband deserved it. Yes, it is your right. But is there any satisfaction in your punishing responses? Does he now bend to your anger and do better in hopes of escaping your condemnation? He practices his faults, and you practice your bitterness. You are both practicing divorce. Your children watch and are practicing being poor future mothers and fathers.
- Learn to enjoy the trip. Do you find yourself having to direct him through traffic or giving out directions? All for the stupid reason of not getting lost or being on time, I open my big mouth and try to command my husband in an impatient tone, all the while, lowering and lowering his ego. All in all, it is not really a big deal if he takes a wrong turn or we get there a few minutes late, I just need to be quiet and enjoy the ride.
- From the beginning, God meant for us to be a comfort, a blessing, a reward, a friend, an encouragement, and a right- hand woman. Adam commenced his rule of the planet before God created Eve to help him in his life's goals. Adam didn't need Eve's consent. God gave her to Adam to be HIS helper, not his partner. She was designed to serve, not to be served, to assist, not to veto his decisions..... Look at Eve. Can you imagine her saying something like this to Adam? "When God brought me to you in that wonderful garden, and we commenced life together, you never said anything about thorns and thistles, about pain in childbirth, about milking goats and churning butter. I am not a wilderness girl!"
Life is full of choices. How you choose to respond will help decide your fate in life. Life is now. Learn to really enjoy taking out the trash or milking a cow. You will be amazed at how God will fill you full of himself.
This book has been so encouraging and has woken me up to love and help my husband. How I react to my husband affects our marriage in a HUGE way, whether it be good or bad. So badly I want control over the situation, but is it worth me going against my husband's leadership and overall, against God's authority to have 10 minutes of control? I don't think so.
Please read this book! It is called "Created to Be His Help-Meet" by Debi Pearl.
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