Saturday, November 13, 2010

To-Do List

My to-do list in the next few months or so:

1. call my family and close friends more regularly (I am working on getting better at this).
2. get the courage to take Drew to McDonald's (because most people know I LOATHE that place.)
3. Finish the 3 different books that I am not doing well at finishing right now.
4. Plan cheaper monthly meals so I don't go over-budget like I did this year.
5. take more pictures (even though our camera looks like it has been stepped on too much.)
6. try to make it through the whole Jillian Michaels' dvd without feeling like I might faint
7. work on stretching more so I can touch my toes without bouncing
8. hang up my coat when I come home instead of throwing it on the floor.
9. throw our pumpkins out before Christmas (last year I think we received a notice from our apt. complex practically begging us to remove our pumpkins, and that was in January, oops)
10. not freak out with the fact that our free weekends don't begin until the middle of January

What's on your to-do list?


ilene @ muchloveilly said...

i don't know if you remember me but i attended moody way back when. i met you a couple of times, but drew was in my bro/sis. good ole moody days!

found your blog thru kirra. love this list - esp the one about taking drew to mcdonalds. i remember how much he loved that place - and how ironic that you loath it. that cracked me up! love it. :)

Drew.Ashley said...

i do remember you from moody and so does Drew. I thought the passion for McD's would have died down a bit, that was wishful thinking. :) haha. Hope you're doing well!