Drew and I signed up to run the Akron Road-Runner Marathon on September 25th, 2010 just two weeks ago. Before we hit the 'pay' button, we looked at each other made a 'gulping' noise and Drew said, "Alright, let's do it!" Since the beginning of January, we have been training knowing that it was still 9 months away. Thankfully, I have run a marathon before, so I kind of know and can remember what I have felt on race day. And I have had a lot of time to reflect on this and see so many correlations in our spiritual lives.
Immediately after we decided in December that we were going to run it, I saw something that could not remain in my daily diet....... DORITOS! And, of course, I saw some foods Drew could give up, too, but I found out he likes to decide what stays and goes himself. It took about a month to officially give up my love for Doritos but 2 months later, I feel way better and can run a little longer. Chips were something I loved but they were doing my body bad, so I had to get rid of them, in view of the final race.
As believers, we are called to "lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely...." What am running with in this spiritual race that I need to lay aside, to just give up like I did seemingly easily with Doritos. I have a feeling that whatever I'm clinging to, once I give it up, I will look back and wonder why I ever wanted to hold on to something so weighty.
We started training in January, but had already been running lightly before. But we decided to kick it up a notch. We knew we still had 9 months but we feel the sooner we start training, the easier it will be in the end. Each day it takes much discipline to eat well, get enough sleep to run in the morning, and to work out even after a tiring day. So we started lifting weights, doing sit-ups, pushups, and sprinting, even on the days that we feel awful or it might be raining. All the while, keeping our eye on the final race.
"And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." Being a believer is not always easy and it takes a great deal of discipline and self-control to walk steadily in the Lord. Christ has done and is doing the sanctifying work needed in me, but I have to willing to lay aside my pride, my wants, and my selfish ambition in order to run the race. I have to look my sin in the face, call it what it is, and throw it out daily, AND. IT. IS. HARD.
September 25th is the official race day. We won't be making plans to go out of town that day. We won't be sleeping in that day. We won't be resting well the night before because of 'pre-race jitters.' But we will be eating out that day for lunch and dinner. We will be up very early on a Saturday so we can head out to the race. We will be running a race that will take us over 4 hours to run. (we are not trying to qualify for Boston :) ) My eye is already on this race and I get so excited and nervous thinking about it!
As a believer, I don't know the "final race day." But I do know who I am to look to in the meantime, "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Christ is my hope for living and my hope for dying because I know that I will get to see Him one day and that keeps me going everyday. I need Him everyday to be my spiritual trainer.
We will take all the 'rooters' as we can get for September 25th. See you there!
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