Sunday, April 25, 2010

Who am I?

Do you ever have days that you're not quite sure who you want to be? Or maybe you're curious how you got to be where you are now. Or maybe you wonder why you have so many odd mannerisms...... I do. This weekend was one of the last weekends to say good-bye to my parents and brother before they move back to Kansas City, MO (where I grew up). Then I was just helping at a wedding shower and the couple lives in KCMO. And then I've had repeated dreams about my hometown. So after all that, I started thinking, who am I, where am I, and what am I?

Why do I love storms, lightning, tornadoes, and thunder so much? Why do I torture my husband by taking my socks off and wherever they land is where they seem to stay until he so graciously picks them up? What is so intriguing about edged yards?

Why did I get so excited when a Sonic was built about 20 mins from me? Why do I know people by their vehicles? Why do I love to correct people when they talk about me being from Kansas? (btw, I'm from MISSOURI!!) Did you know that Missouri borders 8 states? I have work/school-clothes and play-clothes (this goes WAY back).

I rarely fold my clothes inside my dresser, no need. I have 6 junk drawers. My pantry must always have choc. chips, pb., and tortillas for the perfect afternoon snack. The evening news is usually my background noise for making dinner. I make myself do "chores" before I'm allowed to do any of my fun stuff after I get home from work.

I still love mail, even though I think I'm supposed to hate it by now. Every now and then, I sneak a listen to the country music station. I haven't quite figured out which accent I have yet, but I think the Ohio one is getting stronger. I read more southern than I talk, hmmm...

I am a girl from Smithville, MO. met my love in Chicago, and moved to Stow, Ohio to live happily ever after with him. I wonder if we will get to stay here or if we will move. I'm kinda liking it here so far, I think we should stay.

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