Seagrove Beach
Rest is a beautiful thing. To go away, to turn off the daily 'noise', and to rest is a treat. Drew and I have been on little trips to visit friends and family but not really AWAY away for a long time, since our honeymoon. It was sooooooooooo good to say goodbye to facebook for awhile, turn off my cell phone, read books, and just sit and listen in the stillness to what God is saying.Here are some of the highlights of the trip in no particular order:1. Golf Cart to the Beach!!!
{This was a treat to have! We were tying floaties to the top, packing it down with chairs, towels galore, and of course SNACKS!}#2: Sand chairs are one of the best beach inventions.
{See that blue chair with the yellow towel? That is a beautiful little chair! We could pull ourselves right up to the waves, getting our feet wet, while reading to the sound of the ocean waves.}#3: Reading, reading, and more reading.
{I am reading Les Miserables
and Drew is reading a book on Jonathan Edwards}
#4: Getting to hang out with my best friend 24-7!
{Oh and did I mention that I love this guy? He encourages me spiritually, emotionally, loves me so much, and is more than I ever prayed for}#5: Still have to train for that marathon even though we're on vacation.
{Can I just say that it was so stinkn' humid and toasty it about sucked the life out of me just walking. We were supposed to run 4 times but shhhh... don't tell we only ran 3 days. The last day we ran 9 miles. I had to walk a little, was in desperate need of water, and stuck my head under a beach shower to relieve myself of the heat. Drew ran at 3pm! CRAZY! So I made sure he was doing okay and drove up and down the roads to keep my eye on him.}
#6: Favorite night- Date night in Seagrove, Seaside, and Destin.
{We ate awesome steak at The Old Florida Fish House, drove to the Silver Sands Outlet Mall and got a few goodies, got ice cream sundaes, and sat in the dark in 2 white, wooden rocking chairs, listening to a live outdoor band. Then there was thunder and lightning at the beach, so we drove to the beach and in complete darkness watched listened as the storm rolled in. Then every night seemed to end in Dan, Michelle, Drew and I watching House Hunters.}
#7: The night at the beach renewing Dan & Michelle's wedding vows.
{So maybe this picture doesn't depict this night exactly but Michelle has a bunch of pix. Drew renewed their vows, Dan sang, and I took photos. The girls were so cute in their little dresses and all Ava wanted to do was throw her bucket of seashells into the ocean.}#8: Seeing this scene everyday. It will never grow old to me.
{We came almost everyday. The beaches were very quiet and not crowded at all! The oil leak has scared many people away from this area. It felt like our own private little beach at times.}
I will post more later!
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