Here are a few quotes from Christianity for Modern Pagans- Pascal's Pensees edited, outlined, and explained by Peter Kreeft:
(some quotes you will need to read 3 or 4 times to understand it but trust me, you want to understand what they are saying, SO important...)
>In the past , the difficulty in accepting Christianity was its second point, salvation. Everyone in premodern societies knew sin was real, but many doubted salvation. Today it is the exact opposite: everybody is saved, but there is no sin to be saved from.
>Pride can never defeat pride; only humility can defeat pride.
>We are incapable of not desiring truth and happiness and incapable of either certainty or happiness.
>It is instructive to compare Job and Ecclesiastes. For this is the comparison between ancient and modern man. Ecclesiastes, like modern man, has everything, yet has nothing because it is only "vanity." Job, like ancient man, has nothing but has everything because he has God.
>The explanation is obvious: if you don't know the true God, you must sooner or later find some false god to worship. To be human is to worship. The alternative to theism is not atheism but idolatry.
>Man must not be allowed to believe that he is equal either to animals or angels, nor to be unaware of either, but he must know both......modern philosophy has lost its sane anthropology because it has lost its cosmology. Man does not know himself because he does not know his place in the cosmos; he confuses himself with angel or with animal.
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