Thursday, April 22, 2010

Because He Loves Me

Quotes from "Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life" by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick:

"One very common form of physical amnesia is caused by the over-consumption of alcohol. When a person drinks to the point of drunkenness, he is liable to forget what he has done or even how he got home. In like manner, I think that most of us have spiritual amnesia because of what we've been drinking. I believe that we all have had such a deep draught from the fountains of worldly wisdom that it's quite common for us to forget how the truths we hear in church on Sunday morning apply to our daily lives.....

"There has been a disconnect between our stated beliefs- my identity is that I'm one who's been loved immeasurably by God and am one with him- and our practical beliefs- my identity and self-worth are determined by whether I am popular, respected, a winner, and well-fed- is alcohol induced; it's caused by our willful consumption of the intoxicating "wisdoms" of the world. Rather than being inebriated with God's mercy, grace, and Spirit (Eph. 5:18) we're staggering around under the misconception that we really do need to love, accept, and respect ourselves to make it through the day. ....

"It's in these ways..... that we forget who we are: incalculably sinful men and women who are loved immeasurably by an infinitely holy God. We also forget how we are called to respond: in grateful obedience. .......Everything that needed to be done for us has been done. We don't need to fight to gain his love and acceptance."

1 comment:

ofelia said...

Currently reading this book. I'm so grateful that the Holy Spirit has been working in me through this book to bring clarity about my identity in Jesus through the gospel.