How many of your doctors ask you these types of questions when you go in for a check-up:
1. Do you go outside for exercise of any sort every day?
2. Are you going outside to obtain natural daylight?
3. Do you eat sweets as snacks, dessert, or with some frequency?
4. Do you drink water to quench your thirst, or do you get your liquid from juice, tea, sodas, etc?
5. Do you use a computer at work, home, both?
6. Do you relax with tv or a computer?
7. Do you take any form of nutritional supplement?
None of the doctors I have had recently have ever asked me these questions and they should! Why? Because these are a part of your daily life, what makes you who you are. Instead most doctors treat the symptom not the underlying cause. Maybe you're getting sick more often because you are moved apt buildings and the guy below you smokes like a chimney. Or maybe you switched jobs and you go in so early and leave so late that you never have the time to exercise.
The Basics of Health
1. Light- too little does not allow your body to absorb enough nutrients from your food. Get outside, even on the cloudy days
2. Water- acts as your body's lubricant and flushes out 'the bad guys'
3. Air- fresh unconditioned air is the best
4. Exercise outside- strengthens heart & provides vitamin D
5. Diet- the food you eat will affect you emotionally, physically, and mentally. Choose well.
6. Rest- allow time for recovery, healing, & growth
7. Relationships- God created Eve for Adam 'it is not good for man to be alone.' and this doesn't mean you have to be married; just be with people.
8. Supplements- 1 multiple vitamin per day (check to see if it has at least 50milligrams of Vitamin B to know if it is a good multi-vitamin or not.) And take plenty of Vitamin C & E.
How to Relieve PMS symptoms:
1. ditch the salty stuff, processed foods, fast food, and red meats.
2. eat less dairy
3. avoid caffeine
4. avoid sugar and alcohol (these will cause you to lose valuable electrolytes)
Just thought I could share with you my findings in this book.
I am constantly fascinated by nutrition, how we are able to help our bodies with the foods we eat, but mostly Americans abuse the foods that God placed on the earth and instead have turned into 'processed foods.' I hope I can take small steps to improve my eating habits.
Goal #1: Get rid of eating Doritos except for VERY RARE occassions, if even that.
I will need prayer for that. :)
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