I am thankful for a thousand things that God has just given me:
1. an awesome hike that Drew and I went on that turned into an hour longer than what we had planned. (it also included going up a hill that felt like a mountain.)
2. sitting outside and reading everyday
3. not sitting inside, staring at a computer all day, and answering phones.
4. planning curriculum this morning with a girlfriend
5. running on Wednesday morning with a woman I really admire, respect and see Jesus in everyday.
6. legs to run
7. the finances to get our 'new car's' brakes and rotors replaced (I admit, I did worry a bit)
8. getting to watch "Lost' with Drew
9. seeing my sister and her husband here in the States.
10. salvation
11. reconciliation between a holy God and me through Jesus Christ
12. Harry Potter books
13. the joy to do things everyday
14. doing nothing
15. being able to have the time to reflect on God's goodness
16. fresh veggies and fruit from Kriegers (I can just walk in that store and instantly feel healthy)
17. have I mentioned my incredible husband?
18. laughter
19. the beauty of the Violet that I have had for 3 weeks now! (that is a record for me since I'm not so much of a 'green-thumb.')
20. being able to clean my house from top to bottom.
I believe that God loves to give gifts to His children and these are just the VERY FEW that have happened recently.
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