It has been so refreshing! I don't think I could just not work for a long time. I need things to do always. Even with these past 2 weeks, I can't help but to make a schedule of things to do for the day. So here is what I have been doing:

1. Reading (this makes me happy)
I have read and am reading and hope to read before September: ( or leafing through)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Hunger for God - Piper
- Romans
- The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Main Street - Sinclair Lewis
- Giada's Kitchen
2. Cleaning
I have basically deep-cleaned most of our apt. and it feels good! I can walk into our closet now and find dishes in our cupboards.
3. Watching Lost with Drew

So, at first I wasn't so sure about this show. I allowed Drew just to update me each time he watched it but I didn't really get into it until one day. And since then, I have watched every episode wondering what will happen next.
4. Cooking better, more whole-foods meals.
5. Running and exercising
I love running and have seen how out of shape I have gotten over this past year in running. So, I try to run, eliptical, or walk each day. A life-long goal for fitness is that I would be able to still do 5 push-ups (real ones) when I am 80 years old (Lord-willing). So I am doing push-ups a few times a week. And lots of other various types of exercises.
6. I have got to spend 1/2 a week with my family in Toledo and Chicago.

7. Seeing some friends that I wouldn't get to normally throughout the week:
1 friend and I have gone running
1 friend and I did some school planning
Having friends over to watch Lost
Having Drew's family over for dinner and to send Mark off to Moody-chicago
8. Definitely getting to see and hang out with Drew during the day
Sometimes we will go to Barnes and Noble
or hikes or read together or go on drives through the valley
I could never spend enough time with him. We don't even have to be doing the same thing, just as long as we are together or in the same room; that makes me very happy. :)

9. getting to know my Savior better everyday ( some days are better than others)
So I will update in another 2 weeks to let you know of any other things that I am doing while I'm not working. I start teaching September 9th but will hopefully snag a part-time job before then.
May God be glorified in my time off!