Sunday, April 17, 2011

Date nights

Drew and I are looking at our summer and we want to really take advantage of the amazing weather, more time with each other, and realizing we want to be more creative for date times. So here are our ideas, feel free to steal for your own!

- Ice cream dates
- Cleveland Indians' games (I will always bring a book along; just in case the game is going... slow hee-hee)
- Go on a day trip to cities around you to explore (Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati)
- picnic/hike
- bike ride on the towpath
- play tennis weekly
- mini-golf/ or real-golf
- rent a canoe or kayak and go on Portage Lakes
- make dinner based on what was at the local Farmer's Market that morning
- go to the State Fair

Have fun! And if you have any ideas I would gladly welcome them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this might defeat the purpose of your date time...but let us know if you want somebody to go with you =) We like baseball games! And I will mos def bring along a book case things get slow =)