So here are some plans D&I have already:
The end of May: Drew's cousin, Lyndsay, is getting married to Stewart in South Carolina. Drew is driving down with his family but I can't go!!! My ( ) work, you substitute the word, has a black-out date on the 29th, the day before the wedding! boo.... But I will cheer them on, up here in Ohio.

June is pretty low-key for us, other than Father's Day, traveling to see my family and celebrating with Drew's dad. The end of June we are going to celebrate the wedding reception of Craig Cyphers and his new wife-to-be.
Then July hits! For the 4th of July, Drew and I are going to be at Cedarville University for a worship conference for the Chinese church in our church.
I leave on July 11th to the great country of England to see Jessi and Roger get married on July 17th!!!!

and then, Drew leaves on that Sunday, to take a week class at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School near Chicago. Boo... he won't be with me in England and I won't be with him in Chicago, double-boo. I want to go to Chicago SO BAD this year some time to see our beautiful friends, the Suttons!
In August, Jess and Roger are coming to the states to have a state-side reception in Chicago. I'm glad that they are coming over for a couple of weeks or so. I think they may come and stay w/ Drew and I for a day or more. :)
Then I hope that at the reception here, I will get to see Lindsay, my younger sister. I miss her and haven't seen her for a while! She lives in Kansas City, MO.

I will be a free-bird in August for reasons I cannot discuss at this moment. Don't get too excited, it has NOTHING to do with a baby, i promise. Then it will be fun because August and September are the months that are my absolute favorite for 2 obvious reasons: my birthday and D& I's anniversary. Then D's parents anniversary is August 7th and my parent's anniversary is August 29th. So I think we should all just go out for dinner and celebrate!
So this is the life of the Belden's over the summer and more details to be released as we know them later!!!!!
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