2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (Paul to the Corinthians)
=The summary of the marathon Drew and I ran this past weekend.
Backtracking...... Last December, Drew blurted out that we were going to do the Akron marathon together. I was beyond excited because this had been a dream I have had since we were dating- completing a marathon together. So we signed up in February and everything looked good- 7 months out..... :)
We started really training at the end of May building our mileage up week by week. Drew had never been a runner but he was kicking booty out there each week. I felt pretty good about the whole thing. We were dedicated... getting up at 5am on Saturday mornings in the summer to do our long runs before it became unbearably hot. We carried extra water, packed frozen washcloths, and always a note card of directions so we would know where to go around different towns.
Then September hit. I couldn't believe that there was only 3 weeks left before the big race. I was nervous but excited. Drew was never quite as nervous as me and acted like it was really no big deal. Then this past Friday night came and we went to the Expo to get our gear for the next day. We got our bibs, goodie bags, and sweet Brooks jackets and headed home for our pasta dinner.
Saturday morning- nerves, excitement, chilly fall air, dark until 7am, parking the car just a few blocks from the Starting Line, and walking to our place in the race. We take off and are running towards mile 1 and realize we are going way faster than we should be but still proud of ourselves.
Then we get to about Mile 5 and something in my knee is aching... and it feels like my past ACL surgery is started to re-visit me. I figure it will wear off eventually.... but mile 8 rolls around and it is still there but aching even more loudly. But the people and cheering distracts me until about mile 11 when we start on a 4 mile stint on the Ohio Towpath.... and then there was no crowds and I could feel my knee even more and the pain was seizing my hamstring.
We pull off the path and stretch it out and it lasts for a bit of time but I am already a little discouraged. So much so, that I knew that at mile 15 Drew's family would be there and I thought about calling it quits and letting Drew push forward, but he said we were going to finish this race. Hardest miles ever...... 15-22. 8 miles of walking/running, crying, being frustrated and emotionally/mentally gone. We finished in 5 hours and 3 minutes holding hands across the finish line.
I am crying just thinking about my husband by my side the entire time. He wouldn't ever leave me and I gave him permission to run ahead at least 5 times, but he refused. He insisted that we finish together. He pushed me to finish strong, at one point demanding that I better keep running. and I needed him to do that. He would put his arm around me and constantly ask how I was doing. I cried a couple times in the middle of the race because I was frustrated with the time we would get, sad that my knee was throbbing, and disappointed in myself and the fact that Drew would have to get a bad time because of me. Then I cried a good 3 times towards the end of the race realizing how incredible my husband is for sticking next to me the entire time.
I didn't get my 'dream time' and I didn't finish as nicely as I would have liked but God in His extreme mercy showed me a new love and strength to me by giving me such a determined husband and for even allowing me to finish. He really does love me, He allowed me to know Him even better despite this injury. He allowed me to be weak so that I would know His strength and I take comfort in that. He is good and He knows me better because He is my Creator. He also strengthened Drew and I's marriage in such a unique way. I am more in love with my husband as a result.
God is my strength and my rock. He is faithful to His promises. He is love.
He loves me. This I am more sure of than I ever have been before.