The family I tutor for has 3 kids; ages 7, 5, and 3. The littlest one is a girl and she always cracks me up. She had a hotdog on a fishing pole and caught a 100- lb dog with it! Unfortunately, the hook got a little stuck in the doggie's mouth, all is well now though!
The 5 year old wanted a wasp's nest that happened to be in their mailbox. Mom kept telling him no because he could get stung. He was determined to get it out and he did, all without getting stung. He is so proud now to tell that story.
This morning, Drew was leaving and needing to get something out of the car he was not going to be driving. I told him to throw the key up when he was done and I would catch it. Mind you, our apartment is on the 3rd floor. He threw it, i couldn't grab it, and it landed on our neighbor's porch on the 2nd floor. I thought I might be able to climb down but at the last minute wondered how I would get back down or up, no good. So Drew grabbed a camping chair and I threw him a broom. I cannot stop laughing and at this point Drew is getting a little frustrated with me, because I can hardly talk to give him directions, right, no, go left! I am laughing so hard!
Then low and behold, some of the maintenance guys walk by and I'm sure were scratching their heads at the scene before their eyes. Do they ask us for help, not a chance!
I grab a sturdier chair from upstairs, Drew grabs a golf club and tries to retrieve the key again.
Lesson learned.
Making lunches for Drew is always interesting. I'm not a snacker, so we just don't have snacks in the house. So when I make his lunch, it's left-overs, pb & j, maybe some fruit, if he's lucky chips, and if a miracle has happened, I've made some cookies. I always use Target bags, or any bag from the stores I've gone to. Well, he was in a hurry one day, and I stuffed his lunch into one of those flimsy fruit bags, the ones you put your fruit in at the grocery store. And it gets worse, it had a giant hole and I knew it but didn't say anything. Needless to say, he lost his lunch on the church stairs, his actual lunch came rolling out of the bag. He called me right after and we just laughed and laughed.
Hope this helps your day and makes you laugh, too!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
True Rest is Soul Rest
I love being a teacher for a million reasons, one of them just happens to include:
This summer has been the most different summer I have ever had. It is physically and spiritually restful. Matthew 11:28-29 comes to mind:
This summer has been the most different summer I have ever had. It is physically and spiritually restful. Matthew 11:28-29 comes to mind:
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
This verse is specifically talking about SOUL REST no matter what season of life you are in; busy or not-so-busy. For me, during the school year there are so many things for me to focus on other than finding my peace and satisfaction in Christ. I was reminded last night by our speaker at church, am I really relying on the Holy Spirit or Ashley?
This summer has been quiet, not busy, do-whatever-i-want-everyday, and pick up things I really enjoy. As strange as this will sound, it was hard to learn how to do this. I don't like days of quietness because I can hear my restlessness inwardly. It's awkward. But you know what I have needed that God has been trying to show me before now: my sin, His grace and love, and how to genuinely rest in Him.
The Holy Spirit is convicting me of sin, He is helping me to first confess it! This is hard even to confess sin sometimes! First, I HAVE to recognize my sin to see just how much I really need my Savior Jesus Christ.
I know that school is getting closer, the usual fall busyness will come, and life will seem a little hectic at times, but what God is teaching me this summer, I want to carry with me throughout the school year. I want to rest in Him, worry is a sin, but I want my soul to rest in Him.
Here is what He has allowed me to do this summer because it is so restful:
- Read (for hours)
- write notes again
- spend longer time with people, I never have to rush off
- be with my husband on his day off and sleep in
- sufficiently train for the marathon
- be available for people
- clean out the corners of our apt.
- enjoy the sounds of the morning without rushing anywhere
- getting to know the family I tutor for even better (love that family!)
- preparing for the '10-'11 school year
- sit outside
- go on vacation
I know this is just for a season. And I will try to not forget all the time He gave me, when the fall hits. But I ALWAYS want to remember to lean on Him, to place my entire trust in Him, to be still and listen, and to be thankful for the small things in life.
This verse is specifically talking about SOUL REST no matter what season of life you are in; busy or not-so-busy. For me, during the school year there are so many things for me to focus on other than finding my peace and satisfaction in Christ. I was reminded last night by our speaker at church, am I really relying on the Holy Spirit or Ashley?
This summer has been quiet, not busy, do-whatever-i-want-everyday, and pick up things I really enjoy. As strange as this will sound, it was hard to learn how to do this. I don't like days of quietness because I can hear my restlessness inwardly. It's awkward. But you know what I have needed that God has been trying to show me before now: my sin, His grace and love, and how to genuinely rest in Him.
The Holy Spirit is convicting me of sin, He is helping me to first confess it! This is hard even to confess sin sometimes! First, I HAVE to recognize my sin to see just how much I really need my Savior Jesus Christ.
I know that school is getting closer, the usual fall busyness will come, and life will seem a little hectic at times, but what God is teaching me this summer, I want to carry with me throughout the school year. I want to rest in Him, worry is a sin, but I want my soul to rest in Him.
Here is what He has allowed me to do this summer because it is so restful:
- Read (for hours)
- write notes again
- spend longer time with people, I never have to rush off
- be with my husband on his day off and sleep in
- sufficiently train for the marathon
- be available for people
- clean out the corners of our apt.
- enjoy the sounds of the morning without rushing anywhere
- getting to know the family I tutor for even better (love that family!)
- preparing for the '10-'11 school year
- sit outside
- go on vacation
I know this is just for a season. And I will try to not forget all the time He gave me, when the fall hits. But I ALWAYS want to remember to lean on Him, to place my entire trust in Him, to be still and listen, and to be thankful for the small things in life.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Summer Reads
* Because He Loves Me- Elyse Fitzpatrick
How the gospel transforms our everyday lives. I loved this book because she really boiled down our action vs God's actions in our process of sanctification.
* Les Miserables- Victor Hugo
Still have 400 pgs to go, this book is LONG! But worth every word in its unabridged 1400 pg. self. I have even underlined quotes in this book. Besides all the French revolution history, the plot is encouraging, showing you how the most unloved, and miserable people walk through life as their lives intertwine together.
"Oh Thou who art! Ecclesiastes names thee the Almighty; Maccabees names thee Creator; the Epistle to the Ephesians names thee Liberty; Baruch names thee Immensity; the Psalms name thee Wisdom and Truth; John names thee Light; the Book of Kings names thee Lord; Exodus calls thee Providence......"
* Humility- Andrew Murray
Just started, he is a Puritan, so this guy doesn't just say things to talk; and obviously, the title of his book.
"If Jesus is indeed to be our example in His humility, we need to understand the principles in which is was rooted. We need to find the common ground on which we stand with Him, and in which our likeness to Him is to be attained."
* Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees- Blaise Pascal & Peter Kreeft
Just started this one. At first I wasn't jumping up and down, but the way Kreeft has edited, outlined, and explained each section of what Pascal says, makes it easy for people like me! Kreeft claims Pascal is the most effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today's culture.
"Not only do we only know God through Jesus Christ, but we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ; we only know life and death through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ we cannot know the meaning of our life or our death, of God, or of ourselves."
These are great reads, I encourage you to get them, too!
How the gospel transforms our everyday lives. I loved this book because she really boiled down our action vs God's actions in our process of sanctification.
* Les Miserables- Victor Hugo
Still have 400 pgs to go, this book is LONG! But worth every word in its unabridged 1400 pg. self. I have even underlined quotes in this book. Besides all the French revolution history, the plot is encouraging, showing you how the most unloved, and miserable people walk through life as their lives intertwine together.
"Oh Thou who art! Ecclesiastes names thee the Almighty; Maccabees names thee Creator; the Epistle to the Ephesians names thee Liberty; Baruch names thee Immensity; the Psalms name thee Wisdom and Truth; John names thee Light; the Book of Kings names thee Lord; Exodus calls thee Providence......"
* Humility- Andrew Murray
Just started, he is a Puritan, so this guy doesn't just say things to talk; and obviously, the title of his book.
"If Jesus is indeed to be our example in His humility, we need to understand the principles in which is was rooted. We need to find the common ground on which we stand with Him, and in which our likeness to Him is to be attained."
* Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees- Blaise Pascal & Peter Kreeft
Just started this one. At first I wasn't jumping up and down, but the way Kreeft has edited, outlined, and explained each section of what Pascal says, makes it easy for people like me! Kreeft claims Pascal is the most effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today's culture.
"Not only do we only know God through Jesus Christ, but we only know ourselves through Jesus Christ; we only know life and death through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus Christ we cannot know the meaning of our life or our death, of God, or of ourselves."
These are great reads, I encourage you to get them, too!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
2010 Running Lessons
Here are some tips that I have learned even this year from training for this race:
1. stretch, stretch, and more stretch! Stretch before you run, right after you run, and the day after you run. Try stretching everyday.
2. If you get shin splints or some type of muscle tear, just wait 3-4 days before running. Don't rush or it will get worse, did that and it was awful! During the wait, you can eliptical or walk and work on upper body.
3. the stronger the abs, the stronger you might run ( i still need to work harder on this one)
4. It's all a mind-game. Bring scripture, music, prayer cards, etc.
5. Smile or talk to yourself when you feel like giving up. I tell myself, "Don't be a wimp, c'mon!" (and sometimes I'll clap to get myself going, i look funny, yes.)
6. Don't run if you have a sinus-infection or any congestion in the head (it might be just me, but the last 2 times I have come down with migraines, blech)
7. Find someone to hold you accountable. Drew is that for me right now because we are both training for the same race.
8. If you are running for more than 10 miles, bring a 'baby-Gatorade' on your run because it could really energize you throughout your run.
9. (AWESOME site!)
10. Buy shorts that have a tiny pocket on the inside of the shorts to store a car or house key. That way you don't have to hold anything while you run.
Goals I have (Lord-willing):
1. I want to get faster. I would like to run 10:00 miles throughout the entire marathon. Idealistically, I want to run 9:45 miles but I have to think realistically.
2. I will be doing more calisthenics to work on my speed.
3. Doing 100-150 situps/ab-work every other day.
4. From here on out on all my runs, no walking, unless I have a serious injury or migraine.
5. Do hill-work 1-2 times per week.
Prayer for:
1. Drew and I's health. I have had so many colds this year and last that I get so nervous that I will get one the day of the marathon and not be able to complete it. Please pray for this one the most!!!
2. Stamina of heart, mind, and muscles. Even though I am only 26 soon to be 27, I run very different compared to the marathon I did just 5 years ago. (I'm slower and not as strong)
3. That all this running would glorify God and draw me closer to Him.
1. stretch, stretch, and more stretch! Stretch before you run, right after you run, and the day after you run. Try stretching everyday.
2. If you get shin splints or some type of muscle tear, just wait 3-4 days before running. Don't rush or it will get worse, did that and it was awful! During the wait, you can eliptical or walk and work on upper body.
3. the stronger the abs, the stronger you might run ( i still need to work harder on this one)
4. It's all a mind-game. Bring scripture, music, prayer cards, etc.
5. Smile or talk to yourself when you feel like giving up. I tell myself, "Don't be a wimp, c'mon!" (and sometimes I'll clap to get myself going, i look funny, yes.)
6. Don't run if you have a sinus-infection or any congestion in the head (it might be just me, but the last 2 times I have come down with migraines, blech)
7. Find someone to hold you accountable. Drew is that for me right now because we are both training for the same race.
8. If you are running for more than 10 miles, bring a 'baby-Gatorade' on your run because it could really energize you throughout your run.
9. (AWESOME site!)
10. Buy shorts that have a tiny pocket on the inside of the shorts to store a car or house key. That way you don't have to hold anything while you run.
Goals I have (Lord-willing):
1. I want to get faster. I would like to run 10:00 miles throughout the entire marathon. Idealistically, I want to run 9:45 miles but I have to think realistically.
2. I will be doing more calisthenics to work on my speed.
3. Doing 100-150 situps/ab-work every other day.
4. From here on out on all my runs, no walking, unless I have a serious injury or migraine.
5. Do hill-work 1-2 times per week.
Prayer for:
1. Drew and I's health. I have had so many colds this year and last that I get so nervous that I will get one the day of the marathon and not be able to complete it. Please pray for this one the most!!!
2. Stamina of heart, mind, and muscles. Even though I am only 26 soon to be 27, I run very different compared to the marathon I did just 5 years ago. (I'm slower and not as strong)
3. That all this running would glorify God and draw me closer to Him.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
He is Greater Than......
This summer I am spending my study times in the gospels. I have it mapped out for the whole summer and I am way behind already. John Piper really encouraged me in one of his sermons that if I legitimately desired to know my Savior better, I should be pouring my life into the 4 gospels. How incredible is it that we have FOUR accounts of our Savior's life, teachings, and his response to mankind?
I was studying in Matthew 12 and the phrase, "Something greater than....." is repeated 3 times. Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees after they ask if it is lawful for Jesus to pick grain on the Sabbath and also to heal a man on the Sabbath. HANG WITH ME!!!!
The Pharisees were acting as if THEY were the authority and the way to God and Jesus is letting them know that they aren't. This is where those 3 phrases of "something greater than..." come into play.
1. I tell you, something greater than the temple is here.
2. And behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
3. And behold, something greater than Solomon is here.
Greater than:
The Temple
The temple allowed access to God in a very specific place and time.
Jesus is allows believers access to God through the Holy Spirit in our BODILY temples. Worship unto God is not limited to time and place anymore!
Jonah suffered punishment due to his disobedience towards God 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a whale.
Jesus suffered on the cross 3 days and 3 nights for the sins of the world but He was perfect, spotless, HOLY!
Solomon was prized for having great wealth and wisdom. Solomon disobeyed and ran after foreign wives and God sent Solomon's enemies after him.
Jesus holds an eternal inheritance for his believers. It is perfect, uninterrupted worship of God in His presence. As part of the Trinity, Jesus had a role in creating this entire earth and unto which He deserves all praise and honor for a restored relationship back to our Father.
Jesus is greater than our boundaries that we seem to place on worshiping Him.
Jesus is greater than our sin and defeated all of death.
Jesus is greater than the earth's possessions and all that it has to offer.
Is Jesus greater than you?
I was studying in Matthew 12 and the phrase, "Something greater than....." is repeated 3 times. Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees after they ask if it is lawful for Jesus to pick grain on the Sabbath and also to heal a man on the Sabbath. HANG WITH ME!!!!
The Pharisees were acting as if THEY were the authority and the way to God and Jesus is letting them know that they aren't. This is where those 3 phrases of "something greater than..." come into play.
1. I tell you, something greater than the temple is here.
2. And behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
3. And behold, something greater than Solomon is here.
Greater than:
The Temple
Jesus is allows believers access to God through the Holy Spirit in our BODILY temples. Worship unto God is not limited to time and place anymore!
Jesus suffered on the cross 3 days and 3 nights for the sins of the world but He was perfect, spotless, HOLY!
Jesus holds an eternal inheritance for his believers. It is perfect, uninterrupted worship of God in His presence. As part of the Trinity, Jesus had a role in creating this entire earth and unto which He deserves all praise and honor for a restored relationship back to our Father.
Jesus is greater than our boundaries that we seem to place on worshiping Him.
Jesus is greater than our sin and defeated all of death.
Jesus is greater than the earth's possessions and all that it has to offer.
Is Jesus greater than you?
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