This is the start of the Belden Holiday Roll: Caramel Sticky Rolls. They are absolutely horrible for you but I think that is why they are so good. It's just from Betty Crocker. Not hard just time-consuming.

You roll them up w/ a brown sugar, cinnamon, & butter mixture and place them in a 13x9 pan that the bottom is covered w/ a corn syrup, brown sugar, and butter mixture. Yum!

After baking for 30-35 mins here is the finished result, gooey-yumminess!

Here is the ribbon memo-board that so perfectly covers up the electrical box in the kitchen. I should have just bought one at Kohls. It ended up being about just as expensive. :) But as least it's in the color and style I love. If you send me pix of your family I will hang them up.....

So here is our room painted yellow, I absolutely love it! How did I not know before now that just the right yellow can actually make you feel happier when you walk in the room? It just feels so cozy.

Yeah, for paint!! It's kinda hard to tell but it's a light, golden butter-yellow. It feels more cozy.

What our room looked like before we painted, BORING......

D & I got to watch this precious little boy, Isaiah, while his parents went out for a meal by themselves. We thought we'd get to watch him for 2 -3 hours but no! the parents came back within 40 minutes! D&I were so sad because as you can see, he's a cutie!

I got these flowers for V-Day from Drew and I kept them alive for 21 days!! This is miraculous people!
Tomorrow is Easter and my family's coming into Akron to celebrate w/ Drew & I and Drew's family. This is the 3rd year that we have done Easter together. I like it, it's nice to have everyone at 1 place.
Hopefully I will remember to take pix and post those. I think I want to feature a family member for a week in my next blog. Hmmm....... ok! I'm going for a walk outside on this gorgeous day!! i can't stay inside any longer!!!!